Students with special needs

Quality Assurance Council of Faculty of Education of J. Selye University


Doc. dr. univ. Agata Csehiova, PhD. - chairperson, Vice-Dean in charge of the Quality Assurance agenda of Faculty of Education of J. Selye University
Ing. Balázs Pavol, PhD.  - a representative of the study programmes
Mgr. Istók Vojtech, PhD. –  a representative of the study programmes
PaedDr. Borbélyová Diana, PhD. – a representative of the study programmes
Mgr. Veronika Bugár, PhD. - a former graduate of Faculty of Education of J. Selye University
Krisztina Molnár - external assessor
Mgr. Árpád Ölveczky – a representative of employers and other interested parties
Mgr. Katalin Sýkora Hernády – a representative of the student part of the Academic Community of the Faculty

Faculty of Education very successful in gaining new scientific grants VEGA, KEGA

April 4, 2019 : According to the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, Faculty of Education of the J. Selye University was very successful in gaining new scientfic grants. Commencing in year 2019, professors of the Faculty will start 3 new VEGA projects and 1 new KEGA project. Namely it is the following projects:

VEGA: 1/0163/19 : A szabadság különféle formái a totális államokban – politikai élet, vallás, turizmus és médiák Csehszlovákiában, Magyarországon és Kelet-Európában 1938-1968. Rôzne podoby slobody v totálnom štáte – politický život, náboženstvo, turizmus a média v (Česko)Slovensku, Maďarsku a Východnej Európe 1938–1968. Different forms of Freedom in a totalitarian state - political life, religion, tourism and media in (Czecho)Slovakia, Hungary and Eastern Europe 1938–1968. Projektvezető: Dr. habil. Vajda Barnabás, PhD.

VEGA : 1/0663/19 : A középiskolai természettudományos és matematikai műveltség analízise, valamint szakdidaktikai tartalmi innovációja. Analýza prírodovedného a matematického vzdelávania na stredných školách a inovácia obsahu odborových didaktík. Analysis of teaching natural sciences and mathematics at secondary level and their didactical innovation. Projektvezető: Prof. Dr. Tóth Péter, PhD.

VEGA: 1/0117/19 : Kisebbségi élethelyzetek, identitás és műveltség – a szlovákiai magyarok társadalmi önmegvalósításának stratégiái. Postavenie, identita, vzdelávanie menšín – spoločenské sebarealizačné stratégie maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku. Position, identity and education of minorities – societal self-realization strategies of the Hungarin minority in Slovakia.  Projektvezető: Prof. Dr. Németh András, DrSc.

KEGA: 006UJS-4/2019 : Kreativitásfejlesztés és az angol nyelv tanításának kreatív módszerei az alap- és középiskolákban. Rozvoj kreativity a kreatívna výučba anglického jazyka na základných a stredných školách. Developing creativity and teaching English creatively at Elementary and Secondary schools. Projektvezető: PaedDr. Puskás Andrea, PhD.

Department of German Language and Literature

About the Department

The Department of German Language and Literature is responsible for providing courses in training study programmes of German language and literature. The Department also offers courses in German as a foreign language for other departments at the Faculty of Education. Since the study programme of German Language and Literature is primarily concerned with teacher training, we pay special attention to teaching practice, the newest and most up-to-date teaching methods and techniques and the improvement of our students’ language skills. Students take part in courses on literature, linguistics, the history of German-speaking countries, the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the theory of communication, cultural and translation studies.


Mgr. Szilvia Hanusz

tel.: 00421 (35) 3260 754
office: T313


Infrastructure of the study program

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme German language and literature teacher training in combination

a. List and characteristics of the  classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.

Education in the study programme German language and literature teacher training in combination takes place in following classrooms of Faculty of Education J. Selye University:

T105 (capacity: 30 people)
T107 (capacity: 30 people)
T109 (capacity: 30 people)
T213 (capacity: 25 people)

Each classroom is equipped with presentation techniques. An interactive board can be found in the classroom T 109. The classroom T105 serves as specialized classroom for students of study programme. The equipment includes: laminator, phrase osters, maps and educational board games for teaching German as a foreign language.

b. Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.). 

The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.

c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning. 

For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students.  In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.  

d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.

The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.

In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.

e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety.  In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre.  In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities. 

The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities.   Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.

f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education. 

J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.

The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.

Partner institutions


Other mobility programs

Department of English Language and Literature

About the Department

The Department of English Language and Literature is responsible for providing courses in training study programmes of English language and literature. The Department also offers courses in English as a foreign language for other departments at the Faculty of Education. Since the study programme of English Language and Literature is primarily concerned with teacher training, we pay special attention to teaching practice, the newest and most up-to-date teaching methods and techniques and the improvement of our students’ language skills. Students take part in courses on literature, linguistics, the history of English-speaking countries, the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the theory of communication, cultural and translation studies.

For further detailes, see the webpage of the Department of English Language and Literature


Mgr. Szilvia Hanusz

tel.: 00421 (35) 3260 754
office: T313



Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education, J. Selye University

cordially invites you to the launch of the following books:

Andrea Puskás: The Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Course 1. Žihárec: Bymoon, 2022.

Andrea Puskás: Gifted and Talented Learners in the Foreign Language Classroom. Brno: Tribun, 2021.

Renáta LENGYEL-MAROSI:  Culture and History of Great Britain: A textbook for university students of English as a foreign language. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2021.

Renáta LENGYEL-MAROSI:   The Culture and History of the United States of America: A workbook for university students of English as a foreign language. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2022.

Klaudia Pauliková & Ingrid Kálaziová: Language Skills in Practice. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2022.

Gábor Győri: Lexical-Semantic Change as Cultural Categorization. (Inquiries into English and American Studies, VI). Pécs: Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs, 2019.

Anna T. Litovkina & Wolfgang Mieder: Marriage Seen through Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

Anna T. Litovkina, Hrisztalina Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Péter Barta, Katalin Vargha & Wolfgang Mieder: Anti-Proverbs in Five Languages: Structural Features and Verbal Humor Devices. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.

Place and time: Faculty of Education, Room 402 – Komárno,
11:20, 16 March 2023

Bridging Theory and Practice in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Invitation dokumentum
Registration form dokumentum

Dear Colleague,


We would like to invite you to join us on 27 October 2021 for an EFL teacher training workshop, which will be held online on ZOOM. Zoom access data will be sent to registered participants.

Infrastructure of the study program

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme English language and literature teacher training in combination

a. List and characteristics of the  classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.

Education in the study programme English language and literature teacher training in combination takes place in following classrooms of Faculty of Education J. Selye University:

T105 (capacity: 30 people)
T107 (capacity: 30 people)
T109 (capacity: 30 people)
T201 (capacity: 45 people)
T213 (capacity: 25 people)
T301 (capacity: 40 people)
T306 (capacity: 25 people)
T402 (capacity: 34 people)
T404 (capacity: 100 people)
T504 (capacity: 25 people)

Each classroom is equipped with presentation techniques. An interactive board can be found in the classroom T 109. The classroom T213 serves as specialized classroom for students of study programme. The equipment includes: 1x laminator, 1x SONY Alpha 6000 digital photographer, 1x Logitech Z-130 reproductor.

Educational board games for teaching English as a foreign language:

  • Package: Tenses 2
  • Package: Conditional Sentences
  • Fun Card English Prepositions of Time and Place
  • Fun Card English Passive Voice
  • Fun Card English Irregular Verbs
  • Fun Card English Conditionals 

b .Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.). 

The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.

c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning. 

For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students.  In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.  

d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.

The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.

In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.

e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety.  In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre.  In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities. 

The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities.   Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.

f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education. 

J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.

The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.

Partner institutions


Other mobility programs

SUUPER – J. Selye University and University of Pécs English Roundtable

SUUPER – J. Selye University and University of Pécs English Roundtable

Organized by the Department of Modern Philology,

Faculty of Education, J. Selye University

Conference Centre of JSU – Komárno, November 8-9, 2016


Head of Programme Committee: Dr. habil. Irén Hegedűs, PhD.

Members of Programme Committee:

PaedDr. Puskás Andrea, PhD.

Dr. habil. Győri Gábor, PhD.

PaedDr. Zolczer Péter

Head of Organizing Committee: PaedDr. Puskás Andrea, PhD.

Members of Organizing Committee:

Dr. habil. Horváth Kinga, PhD., Dean of the Faculty of Education, JSU

Dr. habil. Hegedűs Irén, PhD.

Dr. habil. Szőköl István, PhD. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, JSU

Dr. habil. Vajda Barnabás, PhD. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, JSU

Conference Programme

November 8 (Tuesday)

14:10-14:30 – Opening

Session 1 (Chair: Hegedűs Irén)

14:30-15:00 – Zolczer Péter (UJS): Improving learner autonomy with techniques used by polyglots

15:00-15:30 – Szamosi Gertrud (UP): Making a difference: Literature of the Hungarian diaspora in Canada

15:30-16:00 – Győri Gábor (UP): Basic level categories and linguistic relativity

16:00-16:30 – Coffee break

Session 2 (Chair: Litovkina Anna)

16:30-17:00 – Hartvig Gabriella (UP): Recent scholarship on the eighteenth-century novel

17:00-17:30 – Csikai Zsuzsa (UP): Russian short fiction into Irish monologue drama

November 9 (Wednesday)                                                                       

Session 3 (Chair: Zolczer Péter )

  9:00 - 9:30 – Horváth József (UP): Learner corpora in EFL language education: Twenty years of the JPU Corpus

  9:30-10:00 – Litovkina Anna (UJS): “Give a girl enough rope and she’ll ring the wedding bell”: The nature of girls as revealed through Anglo-American anti-proverbs

10:00-10:30 – Puskás Andrea (UJS): Gender (re)visions in audio-visual media: Gender representation in American sitcoms

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Session 4 (Chair: Horváth József )

11:00-11:30 – Sári B. László (UP): Literature meets the financial crisis: DeLillo's Cosmopolis

11:30-12:00 – Hegedűs Irén (UP-UJS): The lexicological relevance of doublets

12:00-12:30 – Marosi Renáta (UJS): Great mothers in the Banks family: Aspects of the mother archetype in the Mary Poppins novels

12:30-13:00    Closing

Department of Primary and Pre-School Education

About the Department

Profile of the Department of Primary and Pre-School Education

The department offers study programmes primarily for pre-school teachers, teachers, assistants, primary and lower secondary school teachers, and academic staff and researchers in the doctoral school. As one of the departments with a similar profile available in Slovakia, it offers a modular undergraduate programme in response to the needs of today's modern times and students. This means that students can decide on their specialisation and field of study as soon as they start their studies.  The composition of the Department of Primary and Pre-School Education is varied, as the community of researchers and teachers is not only concerned with pedagogy and psychology and their disciplines, but also with mathematics, Slovak language and literature, Hungarian language and literature, and didactics. Our state-of-the-art classrooms offer a high level of training and prepare students for their professional practice. The department supports and develops students' artistic and musical creativity, physical fitness, not only in the artistic direction, but also in the direction of application in institutional teaching and educational practice, as well as in the direction of a meaningful leisure time. In the new study programmes launched in the department, we have increased the number of hours of pedagogical practice and introduced new types of teaching practice for students.  Another new feature of the courses is that students are encouraged to volunteer and to be internationally mobile.

The department is engaged in ongoing, internationally oriented scientific research. It is actively involved in both scientific and development projects with an emphasis on international cooperation. 

The department also places a high priority on its commitment to teacher training and active collaboration with a wide network of mentors in nursery schools, primary schools and educational institutions.


Head of Department:
Mgr. Yvette Orsovics, PhD.

Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD.
Katalin Ambrusné Prof. Dr. Kéri, DSc.
prof. Dr. Krisztián Józsa, DSc.
prof. Dr. András Németh, DSc.

Associate Professors:
Doc. dr. univ. Agáta Csehiová, PhD.
Dr. habil. PaedDr. Beáta Dobay, PhD.
PaedDr. Diana Borbélyová, PhD.

Assistant Professors:
Katalin Kanczné Nagy, PhD.
Mgr. Tímea Mészáros
Csilla Nagyová, ArtD.
Mgr. Yvette Orsovics, PhD.
Mgr. Anita Tóth-Bakos, PhD.

PaedDr. Peter Židek
Mgr. Attila Bognár

Doctoral students in the academic year 2023/2024

Full-time students: 1.grade

PaedDr. Szántó Zsuzsanna
Office: 409
tel. no.: 035/ 3260 719
Consultation hours:
Monday: 8:30 – 9:15
Tuesday: 9:30-10:15

Mgr. Katona Nikolas
Office: Sirály, 109b
UJS email: 
tel. no. : 035/ 3260870
Consultation hours: 
Wednesday: 13.00-13.45
Thursday: 16.00-16.45

Mgr. Szegiová Cyntia
Office: Sirály 109b
UJS email:
tel. no.: 035/   3260 870
Consultation hours:
Wednesday:10:30 -11:15
Thursday: 13:15-14:00

Full-time students: 2.grade
Mgr. Stela Járosiová
Office: T516
tel. no.: 035/ 3260 724
Consultation hours: Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:15
Thursday: 10:30 - 11:15

Mgr. Eva Prokopcová
Office: 516
tel. no.: 035/ 3260 724
Consultation hours: Monday: 9:00 - 9:45
Wednesday: 11:00 - 11:45

Mgr. Kocsis Zsófia
Tel: 035/ 3260 855
Consultation hours: Tuesday: 9:30 - 10:15
Tuesday: 13:00 - 13:45

Mgr. Katalin Sýkora Hernády
Office: T407
tel. no.: 035/ 3260 855
Consultation hours: Tuesday: 10:00 - 10:45
Wednesday: 9:00 - 9:45

External study:

Mgr. Mgr. Borovicza Boglárka
Gulyás Erzsébet
PaedDr. Kiss Beáta
PaedDr. Madarász Róbert

Doctoral programme

The Day of Hungarian Poetry

Mgr. Nikolas Katona, a PhD student, gave a short lecture on Attila József to the students of the university, and then the students of the university posted their favorite poems on a poetry wall, thus contributing to the importance of poetry. Nikolas submitted one of his poems to a competition organized by the Association of Highland Writers to promote Poetry Day, and was awarded an Opus in the annual Contemporary Voice competition, as well as a special prize in the lyric category.

Sociology Workshop - Martos

Impulse and TéKa organized the second edition of the Youth Sociology Workshop for young Hungarians in Slovakia in Martos this year. Katalin Sýkora Hernády, a PhD student at the Department of Education and Teacher Training, played an active role in the project and the workshop programme. Dr. Zoltán Kántor, Director of the National Policy Research Institute, drew the participants' attention to the national policy implications of social science research, and Prof. Attila Z. Papp, Director of the Institute for Minority Studies of the Centre for Social Science Research, gave an intensive SPSS training for the participants. Dr. Tünde Morvai, Head of the Department of Hungarians Beyond Borders of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, presented the details of the Edu Uni 2024 research and its coordination tasks.

Workshop in Miskolc
Mgr. Katona Nikolas, a doctoral student, gained rich experiences during his professional journey in Miskolc. Throughout his research at the university, he not only managed to find the relevant scholarly literature necessary for his dissertation but also presented the importance of literary diversity through a short workshop titled "Literature Without Borders." Additionally, he took the time to explore the cultural values and landmarks of the city.

INTED2024 Proceedings Konferencia

The INTED2024 Proceedings global conference took place again in Spain from March 4th to 6th, 2024. One of the attendees was Eva Prokopcová, MBA, a doctoral student from the Faculty of Education. The title of her presentation was "State Language as a Foreign Language at a Higher Education Institution with a Language of Instruction of National Minority." The presentation was delivered in English. The paper has been published in the conference proceedings.

Professional teaching internship - Eger

PhD students Stela Járosiová and Eva Prokopcová participated in an Erasmus+ internship at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University in Eger (Hungary), in March 2024. During their time there, they gained a deeper insight into the theoretical and practical aspects of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies (e.g., enhancing their knowledge and skills through the use of MaxQDA and SPSS software) and had the opportunity to explore the historical sights of Eger, gaining insights into the local culture and history. This experience enriched them not only professionally but also culturally.

Scientific Conference in the spirit of discrimination

Nikolas Katona, a first-year PhD student, actively participated in the academic conference organised by the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature. The main topic of the conference was discrimination, on which Nikolas gave an interesting presentation. The title of the presentation was "A methodological analysis of the Barbie film in the light of discrimination". The methodological approach and analytical framework presented during the lecture helped to understand how discrimination is reflected in Barbie films, which are generally considered popular.

Professional report and workshop on the Erasmus trip

Nikolas Katona, a first-year doctoral student, spent two weeks in Győr, Hungary, at Széchenyi István University, as part of the Erasmus Programme. He made intensive use of the library and had the opportunity to give a lecture and organise an interactive workshop on his dissertation entitled Drama Pedagogy and Literary Therapy. The Erasmus programme offers opportunities for academic research, new contacts and knowledge development.

The doctoral programme Pedagogy is an organic part of the field of study of Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences. It aims to provide the scientific education needed for research in pedagogical theory and practice and related disciplines at all levels of education including adult education, as well as its application in school practice, and related disciplines at all levels of education, including adult education, as well as its application to school and out-of-school practice. Further informations on the doctoral programme are available here.


Research areas of the department:

Teacher, pupil/student, teacher training
 - Research into the interpersonal behaviour of the teacher, the attributes of the ideal teacher. 
- Research on the methodological culture of the teacher.
- Research into the teacher's self-efficacy.
- Research on teacher education and training.
- Research on the identity of student teachers and teachers in a social context, their attitudes towards the socio-economic environment, the formation of stereotypes, the formation of social networks and the parallel identification of their specific elements in the educational space of minority schools 
- Research on early school leaving as a social phenomenon.  
- Research into pupils' levels of scientific and mathematical knowledge, into the difficulties of understanding scientific concepts in relation to problem-solving thinking processes in certain areas of problem-based teaching, into pupils' attitudes towards the subjects and their development. 
- Research into pupils' inductive thinking.
- Diagnostic Assessment in Early Childhood
- Research on the theoretical foundations of educational systems.
History of education and teaching
- Early childhood and kindergarten history (19th and 20th centuries);
- The history of teacher education; the feminisation of teaching careers;
- History of women's education (18th and 19th centuries);
- Integration of teachers, inclusive education,
- History of education in Spain
Arts education
- Music pedagogy and the development of musical abilities
- Art pedagogy, art education in the context of interdisciplinary relations
- Culture, art, education from the point of view of intercultural relations (preferably Hungarian-Slovak)
- Music therapy, alternative music educational methods,
- Students' active artistic activities (art projects, choir work)
Modern methods in education
- Web based applications in education
- Flipped methods in education

Projects (20112012201320142015201620172018201920202021, 20222023)


Mgr. Marosi Martina
tel.: 00421 (35) 3260 608
office: T509


V. Tale Morning in Memory of Andersen

Egyedi illusztrációk árlista - Gallay-Nagy Krisztina grafikus, illusztrátor

The birthday of the great Danish story writer Hans Christian Andersen has been celebrated as International Children's Book Day since 1967. In recent years, libraries in our country and in neighbouring countries have regularly organised various activities to mark the occasion. One of the most common forms is the Night with Andersen, an evening reading for children in libraries. The aim of this promotional programme is to bring children closer to the world of books, to familiarise them with the library and to make them love books, reading and visiting the library. This is the occasion when the idea to organise a similar programme for pre-school children was born a few years ago. And this year it was organised for the 5th time.  The programme was organised by the Department of Education and Teacher Training of Selye János University under the leadership of  PaedDr. Diana Borbély, PhD.  The event was supported by the project"Strengthening partnerships in the field of education through cross-border cooperation/EduCoop".

 The drama-educational activities and puppet plays were carried out by the second year students of the Department of Education and Teacher Training under the guidance of the teacher of the department. The organisers hosted children from the Hungarian teaching kindergarten in Víz Street, Slovakia and the Gesztenyés Kindergarten in Hungary. The activity took place on the morning of 18 April 2024 in the university library, where the organisers wanted to offer more than just story reading to the kindergarten children. The programme was adapted to the age and interests of the children. To start the programme, the children were introduced to the library, then listened to the classic folk tale "The Salt", followed by drama games related to the theme of the tale, spiced up with movement elements using the "Tale in a different way" method. This was followed by movement games and then a puppet show by the students. At the end, the children were treated to a small hospitality and received certificates and gifts.  The programme was a great success, with the children actively involved in the activities.

Faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition

On the 27th of March 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Education organised a faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition, which is a reciting contest. On this occasion, the students, namely Mercédesz Karvai, Júlia Szabó, Veronika Fagyas and Dániel Nemes, recited their chosen poems. They will now participate in the national semi-finals. It is our goal to make a tradition out of the recitation competition at our faculty and we would like to thank our students for their participation.

The Meeting of the Ratio Research Group 
On March 22, 2024, the Ratio Research Group held a meeting.  During the session, PD. Dr. phil. habil. Mészáros Attila, the deputy dean, elaborated on the use of bibliographic software in pedagogical research. Programs such as BibTex, BibDesk, Bibsonomy, among others, presented during the lecture, assist doctoral students in organizing and enhancing the readability of academic literature, significantly facilitating their scientific work. The next speaker was Mgr. Járosi Stella, who introduced the topic of her dissertation "Girl Education and Women's Culture in the 18th-19th Centuries" among second-year doctoral students. The presentation provided a profound insight into the topic, sharing valuable scientific approaches and findings with the interested audience. At the end of the session, Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD., the dean of the faculty, outlined the formal details of the qualifying exams for second-year doctoral students preparing for the exams. Such briefings greatly assist students in preparing for exams and effectively overcoming the academic challenges ahead of them.

Solemn commemoration
On 14 March 2024, a commemoration event titled “Hungarians Live – Él a Magyar” took place at the Egressy Béni Municipal Cultural Centre in North Komárno honoring the events of 1848. This year, the celebratory program was presented by the Marianum Church School and Kindergarten, alongside the students of Elementary School at Ulica Práce and the students of J. Selye University participated in the event. Our university was represented by the Cantus Iuventus women’s choir from the Department of Education and Teacher Training, as well as the students of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature. They paid tribute to the Youths of March and the memory of the revolution with a musical-literary composition. Special thanks to the preparatory educators: Ágota Csehi, Yvette Orsovics, Anikó Polgár, József Keserű, Gábor Lőrinc and Szabolcs Simon.

The Meeting of the Ratio Research Group (February 22, 2024)
The Ratio Research Group held its next meeting on February 22. At the meeting organized by the Research Group, Prof. Dr. Katalin Kéri, DSc. delivered an exciting lecture on "Research Opportunities and Challenges in Women's and Girls' Education Research." Professor Kéri presented the topic in an extremely captivating manner, arousing interest among the participants. The lecture was undoubtedly inspiring for those present and provided important information for anyone interested in the field of women's and girls' education research. During the meeting, there was also a discussion about the citation order. The attention was drawn to the examination for second-year doctoral students, which will take place in April. The participants of the meeting further enriched the gathering with their questions and comments, thus making it a deserved success.

The children of the Franciscan Friends Street Kindergarten were active participants of the Open Day of Selye János University 2024 on 14 February. With their help, we were able to show the visitors what tasks and duties await future kindergarten teachers, for which our university provides excellent training.

J. Selye University commemorates the 100th anniversary of Béla Bartók’s concert in Komárno

On February 5, 2024, we remembered an event that exactly one hundred years ago was one of the most significant events in the cultural life of Komárno. On this day, exactly on February 5, 1924 the well-known Hungarian folk music researcher, music educator, composer and pianist, Béla Bartók, gave a concert in the representative hall of the Komárno Cultural Palace – today is called the Danube Region Museum in Komárno. This event served as the occasion for the commemoration of Béla Bartók at the memorial plaque on the wall of the Danube Region Museum.

Ágota Csehi, the docent of the University J. Selye, praised Bartók’s work and his ties to the region of contemporary Slovakia, highlighting several important information regarding the organization and reception of the concert. Kinga Horváth, the Dean of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University, placed the wreath of remembrance, accompanied by Ágota Csehi and Yvette Orsovics, and in the presence of István Stubendek, the conductor of the Concordia Mixed Choir. During the commemorative ceremony, the University of J. Selye’s women choir, Cantus Iuvents, and some young singers of the Schola Mariana Great Choir performed Hungarian folk songs by Béla Bartók under the direction of Yvette Orsovics. With this event, the participants honored the memory of this outstanding personality even a century later.

Final defense of the KEGA project

On January 11, 2024, the KEGA project no. 005UJS-4/2021 Adaptation and standardization of DIFER (Diagnostic assessment system for development) for 4-8-year-old children  was defended at the Faculty of Education in J.Selye University. The project leader was Krisztián Józsa. They participated in the project:  PaedDr. Diana Borbélyová, PhD., Dr.habil. PaedDr. Horváth Kinga, PhD., Mgr. Orsovics Yvette, PhD. (Department of Primary and Pre-School Education), PaedDr. Nagyová Alexandra, PhD. (Department of Pedagogy). In this context, the original contribution of the project is making the foreign  research and diagnostic tool DIFER available by adapting and standardizing it for the conditions of education in kindergartens and primary schools in Slovakia with the Hungarian language of instruction. Kindergarten and primary school teachers can use this diagnostic tool to monitor the development of children and students, both when determining their eligibility to enter primary schools, as well as their progress after entering compulsory school attendance. This standardized tool serves to assess the level of personality development of a child between the ages of 4 and 8 and can also be used to monitor the individual education of children in compulsory pre-primary education.

The Advent Concert Series of Cantus Iuventus

The Advent is a time of anticipation, heralding the arrival of one of the most celebrated holidays of the year. The J. Selye University’s female choir, Cantus Iuventus, has accepted several invitations in this year.
On 3rd December, in Komárno, the first candle on the city’s Advent wreath was lit in Klapka Square. Our choir prepared a bouquet of short Advent songs and had the opportunity, as the first, to try out the ‘singing Christmas tree’.
On 12th December the choir performed at two different venues. At noon, the choir’s chamber group delighted the residents of the Timoteus House, and in the afternoon, they sang for the seniors in the pensioners’ club. The choir received a warm and friendly welcome and a good atmosphere in both places. On 13th December Cantus Iuventus presented an Advent concert in the university’s assembly hall for the university’s lecturers and staff.
Many thanks to the singers, the accompanist Ágota Csehi and the choirmaster Yvette Orsovics.

Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education

Stela Járosiová (PhD. student) will be travelling abroad to Szeged (Hungary) from 29 to 30 November 2023. During these two days she participated in a lecture, held at the MTA SZAB Chair of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Szeged. The publication presented was edited by Réka M. Cristian and Anna Kérchy and published under the title Pioneer Hungarian Women in Science and Education. During the presentation, our renowned professors Katalin Kéri and Béla Pukánszky also spoke at the book launch. This event allowed us to get closer to the strong and committed women who have dedicated their lives and careers to the development of science and education. We had the opportunity to make new contacts, to nurture old ones and to expand our knowledge.

Ratio Research Group Meeting (30 November 2023)

The Ratio Research Group gathered for its meeting on November 30th, covering several important topics. Prof. Dr. Péter Tóth, PhD, delved into the significance of abstract writing. Following that, Dóra Hegyesi, a doctoral student from ELTE's doctoral school, delivered an excellent presentation on their research area, highlighting the benefits and challenges of doctoral life. The event not only provided valuable knowledge for the scientific community but also served as inspiration for those interested in research and doctoral studies. The November meeting of the Ratio Research Group, therefore, brought about innovation not only on a scientific and professional level but also fostered community building and information exchange.

Presentations by PhD students and researchers of the Educational Doctoral School, J. Selye University at an international scientific conference in Budapest

Between November 9 and 10, 2023, PhD students of the Doctoral School of Educational Sciences, J. Selye University participated in the 1st Education Conference - Education in a changing world. The conference was organized by the Department of Technical Education of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in Budapest, Hungary.

Róbert Madarász made a presentation in the research on Vocational education and training, co-authored by Péter Tóth and entitled "Examining the inductive reasoning of 10-17-year-old children - During research." Kinga Horváth was the chair of the section entitled "Testing teacher and student competences", while its secretary was Katalin Sýkora Hernády. Eva Prokopcova made a lecture entitled "Assessment of Teacher Competencies among Master of Arts' students". Boglárka Borovicza made a presentation entitled "Exploring children's naïve images about natural science using the projective method", prepared by Boglárka Borovicza and Katarína Szarka. Zsuzsanna Szántó's topic was "Research on the ability of teachers". Beáta Kiss appeared in the "Education and research without borders" section presided by Péter Tóth, who talked about "Programs for schools on the Hungarian Broadcasting of Szlovák Rádió, 1960 – 1995". Zsófia Kocsis made a presentation entitled "Attitudinal study of school inclusion in a Slovak city" prepared by Zsófia Kocsis, Terézia Strédl and Melinda Nagy. The title of Katalin Sýkora Hernády's presentation was "Measuring teacher interaction among Hungarian-speaking teachers in Slovakia". The title of the presentation by Péter Tóth and Kinga Horváth was "Educational difficulties of Hungarian teachers in Slovakia". The presentation "The relationship between visual and verbal thinking" was made by Erzsébet Gulyás in the section "Basic research in pedagogy".

South Slovakia Sings

The festive choir concert called "South Slovakia Sings" took place on 18. November 2023 for the fourth time. The main mission of the concert to promote Hungarian choral music in Slovakia and to present contemporary compositions. The authors of many of the performed choir compositions also graced the event with their presence. The concert featured 7 choirs, including the women's choir of the UJS Cantus Iuventus. The choir was accompanied by Zsuzsanna Kalmár on piano and Éva Fekete on flute. The choir was conducted by Yvette Orsovics. Congratulations for a wonderful performance.

Science and Technology Week at the Department of Primary and Pre-School Education – 2023

Within the framework of the Science and Technology Week, between 6-10th November 2023, several interesting and meaningful lectures were organized by the Department of Primary and Pre-School Education:

On the 7th November, the first-year doctoral student Mgr. Nikolas Katona, held an interesting presentation about „Innovative Methods of Teaching Literature“. The presented methods and games can enrich the literature learning and make the teaching process more creative. Within the context of the presentation, participants had the opportunity to try out some techniques which they can use in their teaching practice or even in their teaching career.

Also on the 7th November, the „Women in Science“ engaging lecture and workshop took place. The event was led by two first-year students of the Educational Sciences Doctoral Study Program, Mgr. Cyntia Szegi and Mgr. Nikolas Katona. During the presentation the participant’s gained insights into the history, waves and social aspects of feminism. In the second part of the event, they learned about the work of outstanding women who significantly contributed to the development of science through their creations and discoveries. Following the presentation, the workshop provided students with the opportunity to apply their practical knowledge and work together in groups.

The lecture on November 8th, titled „Physical and Digital Discoveries in Kindergarten Using Technology“ was led by PaedDr. Zsuzsanna Szántó, a first-year doctoral student of the Educational Sciences Doctoral Study Program. During the presentation, she demonstrated simple discovery experiments that can be applied in the pre-school teaching and learning process. They develop children’s knowledge and experiences, and can be used and applied in real life.

12. Moving for Health

The teachers of the Department of Primary and Pre-School  Education and Teacher Training of Selye János University, in cooperation with the Regional Institute of Culture, the Regional Public Health Office and the city of Komárom, organized the event "Movement for Health" for kindergarten children for the 12th time in the Sports Centre of Selye János University. A total of 135 kindergarten children participated in the event, which was organized with the help of the teacher training students. The children were introduced to healthy lifestyles and sports activities in a playful way, performed movement exercises and movement puzzles, and did gymnastics together to music.

National Conference of Teachers of Pre-primary Education

The National Conference of Teachers of Pre-primary Education was realized in Buč on 24th March 2023, which the main organizer was the Association of Hungarian Educators in Slovakia. PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD. represented the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University as an invited guest of the conference.

Book review

The mission of the Ratio Research Group is to carry out empirical pedagogical, psychological and sociological research in the fields of public education, teacher education and post graduate education. The Group has produced several publications. The latest research results have been published in the following monograph:

Tóth Péter – Horváth Kinga: A tanári interakció az osztályteremben (Teacher interaction in classroom)

The authors have publicly presented their work on March 23, 2023 in the building of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the J. Selye University. The authors have presented the statement of the problem, its circumstances, the metrics of evaluation and the result of their study. The monograph was reviewed by Katalin Sýkora Hernády, who has also recommended possible directions for future research.

Developing Flipped Methods for Teaching: 4th transnational meeting of partner institutions

On September 12 and 13, 2022, the partners of the Erasmus+ international project entitled Developing Flipped Methods for Teaching participated in the fourth transnational meeting of partner institutions, which was held at J Selye University in Komárno. The event was connected with the International Scientific Conference UJS 2022, within which a section The flipped classroom method in the educational process was implemented. The Faculty of education of J. Selye University was represented by the project members Mgr. Tóth-Bakos Anita, PhD. and Mgr. Mészáros Tímea.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the ongoing tasks and goals of the project and to discuss the following tasks and activities of the project.

Infrastructure of the study program

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programmes Pre-school and Elementary Education and Teacher Training for Primary Education

a. List and characteristics of the classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.

Education in study programmes Pre-school and Elementary Education and Techer Training for Primary Education are taught at the Department of Primary and Pre-school Educaton, which is located on the 5th floor of the Faculty of Education, J. Selye University. The design of the corridor reflects the profile of the department: with a permanent exhibition of student works, a children's corner and bulletin boards with information about the life of the department, the work of the Cantus Iuventus choir and current news.

Teaching of the above study programmes takes place at the Faculty of Education of the J. Selye University, in the Conference Centre of University, in the building of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics and in the Sports Centre: 

Faculty of Education

T103                                        (capacity:                                             45 people)
T109                                        (capacity:                                             30 people)
T213                                        (capacity:                                             25 people)
T301                                        (capacity:                                             40 people)
T306                                        (capacity:                                             25 people)
T402                                        (capacity:                                             34 people)
T404                                        (capacity:                                             100 people)
T501                                        (capacity:                                             42 people)
T504                                        (capacity:                                             25 people)
T505                                        (capacity:                                             32 people)
T506                                        (capacity:                                             20                                people)

Each classroom is equipped with presentation techniques. Classrooms T103, T109, T501, T504, T505, and T506 serve as specialized classrooms.

(T103) Equipment of a specialized classroom for teaching art education

  • Modeling stand UNI A3, a total 5
  • Mobile dryer A4 a A3 424123, a total 1
  • Painting easel – 011m mix colour, a total 10
  • Plastic model spatulas Giotto Patplum, a total 6

(T109) Equipment of a specialized classroom for teaching mathematics and other didactic subjects

  • interactive board
  • Lego – basic set for mathematics, a total 5
  • Montessori utilities: colored stairs a total 1 – 102, Montessori set 100 – 1000 perl. mat., a total 2, Montessori red - blue bars, a total 2
  • Geometric bodies, a total 1
  • Hanging counter for the white- or chalkboard, a total 1
  • Magic mirror for geometry, a total 10
  • Geoboard A, a total 15

(T501) Equipment of a specialized classroom for teaching music

  • electronic piano - Kawa, a total 1
  • piano, a total 1
  • digital piano and CD player, a total 1
  • Slit Drum, a total 1
  • Large set of orff instruments III, a total 1
  • rhythmic equipment set - large, a total 1
  • Bongo professional – drum set, a total 1
  • Chromatic metallophone, a total 2
  • Alto Xilophone, a total 1
  • T20 reproduktor GigaWorks, a total 2
  • Glass showcase - diplomas, results, cups

(T504) Specialized classroom of developing literacy skills

Teaching aids:

  • Illustrations of fairy tales
  • Letters

Theater- screen

Fairy shelf

(T505) Equipment of a specialized classroom for teaching didactics of primary education

Didactic boards:

  • Worksheets for the development of graphomotor skills
  • Painted alphabet
  • Slovak and Hungarian alphabet
  • Numerical series
  • Student project works - tools for developing pre-reading literacy

Decorative elements:

  • Tree of poems
  • Numbers and letters
  • Teaching aids:- Emotions

(T506) Specialized classroom of pre-primary education 

Teaching aids for the development of graphomotor literacy

  • Pencils - blue, red, green
  • Locomotive and 2x wagon
  • Boy and girl

Conference centre

K007                                        (capacity:                                             48 people)
K008                                        (capacity:                                             24 people)
K009                                        (capacity:                                             24 people)
K102                                        (capacity:                                             200 people)
K103                                        (capacity:                                             24                                people)


Equipment of a specialized classroom for teaching chemistry and biology didactics


  • Human torso (set of 38 pieces)
  • Educational board: respiratory and circulatory system
  • Educational board: botanica (a total 5), mitosis, AIDS, viruses, nuclear-free organisms, nuclear unicellular cells, healthy lifestyle
  • USB digital microscope connection for conventional microscopes
  • Flir-ONE camera for iOS
  • Vernier laboratory equipments (Senzor UVB, Senzor UVA, Temperature Senzor, Spirometer, Soil moisture sensor, Relative humidity sensor, Gas sensor - O2, Hand dynamometer, Goniometer, EKG sensor, Biochamber 2000 (2000 ml, 2 outcomes for sensors CO2 a O2, Gas sensor - CO2, Blood pressure sensor, Go!Wireless handheld heart rate monitor)
  • LabQuest Viewer – permanent multi license for school
  • Logger Pro 3 - permanent multi license for school
  • LabQuest 2 - interface unit controlled by touch screen (3x BTA, 2x BTD, 1x USB imput, USB and Bluetooth 4.0 connection to mobile tools, built-in sensors, WiFi, GPS e.i.)


  • Interaktive white board (Hitachi)
  • Logitech Wireless Prezenter R400 – a total 2
  • Pasco Science Laboratory Equipment – basic set of sensors for chemistry education
  • Vernier laboratory equipments for chemistry
  • collection of minerals and rocks
  • 8-piece set of visual teaching material with a periodic table of chemical elements
  • set of crystal lattice models and models of molecules of inorganic and organic compounds
  • Educational boards: nitrogen, oxygen and water cycle; crystal lattice system
  • Educational board: nomenclature-inorganic chemistry
  • Educational boards: reaction of metals with water, reaction of metals with acid, mechanism of protolytic reactions, neutralization, reduction in the reduction series, peptide bond, electrochemical series of metal voltages, ability of atoms to transfer or receive electrons
  • Chemical-environmental suitcase for water and soil monitoring
  • Own library fund of the Department of Chemistry - specialized literature also available for students
  • Chemical laboratory set - experimental sets for children 

b. Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.). 

The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.

c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning. 

For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students.  In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.  

d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.

The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.

In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.

e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety.  In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre.  In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities. 

The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2023. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.

f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education. 

J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.

The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.

Partner institutions


Other mobility programs

The Meeting of the Ratio Research Group (February 22, 2024)

The Ratio Research Group held its next meeting on February 22. At the meeting organized by the Research Group, Prof. Dr. Katalin Kéri, DSc. delivered an exciting lecture on "Research Opportunities and Challenges in Women's and Girls' Education Research." Professor Kéri presented the topic in an extremely captivating manner, arousing interest among the participants. The lecture was undoubtedly inspiring for those present and provided important information for anyone interested in the field of women's and girls' education research.

During the meeting, there was also a discussion about the citation order. The attention was drawn to the examination for second-year doctoral students, which will take place in April. The participants of the meeting further enriched the gathering with their questions and comments, thus making it a deserved success.

Department of Hungarian Language and Literature

About the Department

The primary mission of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature is to train primary and secondary school teachers and researchers interested in the fields of language and literature. In doing so, it not only plays a crucial role in Hungarian language education and scientific research in the Highlands, but also provides its students with a level of knowledge that can be used beyond the borders of Slovakia. In addition to the compulsory general knowledge, it provides university-level theoretical and practical training in specific fields of language and literature studies (e.g. phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, vocabulary, rhetoric, stylistics, methodology of teaching grammar and literature, literary theory, literary history, world literature, interpretation of works, etc.) and related fields (film aesthetics, cultural theory).
It places equal emphasis on the teaching of Hungarian language and literature and on research into it from an academic point of view. Our students regularly participate in pedagogical training and have the opportunity to take part in academic student conferences. The department has two research groups: the Variology Research Group is engaged in linguistic and textbook analysis research, while the MA Popular Culture Research Group focuses on the segment of contemporary popular culture that is in productive dialogue with the curricular issues of science.

Contact: JSU Faculty of Education, Bratislavská 3322, 94501 Komárno.


Mgr. Szilvia Hanusz

tel: 00421 (35) 3260 754
Room: T313


The Research Group on Multilingualism and Educational Linguistics of the ELKH Language Research Centre has been awarded a grant from the European Union ERASMUS+ programme for the project entitled: Romani Digital Knowledge Space: creating innovative Romani-Hungarian digital educational-cultural competence development and resource pack using regional models (2020-1-HU01-KA226-SCH-094146, leader: Csilla Bartha) 2021. One of the partners in the project is the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University.


Title of the project:
Networking of Theories in the Humanities

Registration number:

Duration of the project:
01. 01. 2022 – 31. 12. 2023

Principal investigator:
Doc. Péter Nagy, PhD.

List of scientific co-workers:
Dr. habil. PaedDr. József Keserű, PhD.
PaedDr. Patrik Baka, PhD.
Mgr. Vojtech Istók, PhD.
Mgr. Gábor Lőrincz, PhD.

Project summary:
The project deals with the research and application of networking of theories. Based on our hypothesis, the networking of different theories can be observed in the humanities, similarly to the fields of natural sciences. When analysing the phenomena to be studied, according to interdisciplinary expectations, the new theories dynamise and functionalise the older elements of the network. The key to this collaboration, which comes from specialisation in the field, is that researchers are forced to work in teams and combine different knowledge to
create new ones. The scientific work during COVID-19 is not only a complex jigsaw puzzle but one of the most significant scientific ventures of all time. Our project aims to contribute to understanding the continuous renewal of data management, based on metascientific and praxeological principles, as well as on the latest results of literary, linguistic and cultural sciences.

Variology Research Group

On 23th April 2010, linguists working at the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University established the Variological Research Group to coordinate their research work. The work of this scientific workshop, which now has extensive international links (in addition to the linguists of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of Selye János University, the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the ELTE BTK, the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the Comenius University of Bratislava, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the Eszterházy Károly University of Eger, the Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the University of West Hungary, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the Partium Christian University in Oradea, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the University of Miskolc, the Hungarian Language and Literature Department of the University of Nyíregyháza, the Hungarian Language Institute of the University of Bratislava, the State Pedagogical Institute of Bratislava and the OFI, which is now structurally part of the EKE, are also involved), is very important because it enables the most qualified specialists to deal with the scientific, theoretical, didactic and methodological issues of textbooks, workbooks and educational documents (curricula, literacy standards).
Members of the research team have presented their research results at ten international symposia. The proceedings of these symposia are published in the following volumes:

1. Tanulmányok a tankönyvkutatás feladatairól, módszereiről (Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2014a)
2. Az anyanyelvoktatás dokumentumainak szakmai, módszertani vizsgálata (Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2014b)

3. Innováció és kreativitás az oktatásban és a tudományban – A modern (anya-, másod-, és idegen) nyelvi nevelés tantervei és tankönyvei – egynyelvű és többnyelvű környezetben (Juhász red. 2015)

4. A tudományoktól a művészetekig (Zimányi eds. 2015) (the volume can be downloaded from the Eszterházy Károly University website)

5. Acta Academiae Agriensis. Nova Series Tom. XLIII. Sectio Linguistica Hungarica (Lőrincz J. – Lőrincz G. eds. 2016) (the volume can be downloaded from the Eszterházy Károly University website)

6. A tankönyvkutatás szakmai módszertani kérdései (Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2017)

7. A magyar mint anyanyelv, kisebbségi és idegen nyelv oktatási kérdései és oktatási segédletei (Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2018a)

8. Tankönyvkutatás, fordított tankönyvek, kétnyelvűség (Istók – Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon eds. 2020)

9. Online oktatás – kontaktoktatás Edukációs folyamatok és a Covid19 (Istók – Simon eds. 2021)

10. A virolingvisztika és viroszemiotika aktuális kérdései (Istók – Lőrincz – Török eds. 2022)

In 2019, the research team has republished a selection of its linguistics-related studies published on CD and in various foreign professional journals and publications between 2014 and 2016, thematically selected and collected in one volume - A professional, methodological analysis of the documents of mother tongue teaching. A selection of studies published abroad and on electronic media by the Variological Research Group (Istók – Lőrincz G. – Lőrincz J. – Simon – Török eds. 2019).

In recent years, in addition to the above, two symposia – linked to jubilees – have taken place, in which other guest speakers besides JSU teachers have also participated: the written version of the lectures of the Arany Memorial Conference with title Aranyul – magyarul (Lőrincz J. –  Lőrincz G. – Simon eds. 2018b) was published two years ago, and the material of the Ady symposium held last spring is still being compiled.

In 2020, the PeLi Conference on Linguistics in Education featured a presentation by Dr. habil. Julianna Lőrincz, former associate professor of our department, on the occasion of her 70th birthday (Lőrincz – Domonkosi eds. 2020 Stílus – Variativitás – Műfordítás. Eger: Komárom).

The members of the group examine both Hungarian and minority textbooks and educational documents, so in many cases they come up with task sets and alternative curricular content that complement the textbooks or, on the contrary, are intended to draw attention to inaccuracies and errors in the textbooks and to correct them to some extent (not only in a monolingual but also in a bilingual context).
However, such studies and research can only be effective if they reach those who can usefully apply them in everyday practice. This is why all the volumes published so far are available in electronic versions on the Internet, making the results of the research accessible to a wider audience of practitioners and professionals. In addition, a system is being set up whereby teachers in (Hungarian) practice schools in Slovakia and members of the research team are in active contact with each other, so that the results of the researchers can be more quickly incorporated into the teaching process and feedback can be provided on where in the textbooks the ominous points are, which are the parts of the curriculum that teachers feel need to be changed in order to be effective.


Bc. Mária Bartal

tel.: 00421 (35) 3260 611
office: T313


The role of poetry

On 11 April 2024, on the occasion of the Poetry Day, Vince Rácz talked to Aniko Polgár, professor of our department, on Patria Radio. The topic was the role of poetry and Anikó Polgár's recently published book of poems, Fordított Gorgó (Reverse Gorgon).

Faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition

On the 27th of March 2024, the Faculty of Teacher Education organised a faculty round for the Mihály Tompa National Competition, which is a reciting contest. On this occasion, the students, namely Mercédesz Karvai, Júlia Szabó, Veronika Fagyas and Dániel Nemes, recited their chosen poems. They will now participate in the national semi-finals. It is our goal to make a tradition out of the recitation competition at our faculty and we would like to thank our students for their participation.

International scientific symposium about the teaching of Hungarian spelling

On 31th March 2023 the Variology Research Group of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature of the JSU organised an international scientific symposium. The event was opened by Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD., Dean of the Faculty of Education. Szabolcs Simon, PhD., head of the research group, reported on the rich activities of the research group over the past ten years. The event featured presentations by presenters from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, including renowned textbook and dictionary writers and authors of studies. The conference was divided into three sessions, one online and two presentations chaired by Dr. habil. Ágnes Domonkosi, PhD., Dr. habil. Lőrincz Julianna and Dr. Zsófia Ludányi. The main organizers (Béla Istók, PhD., Gábor Lőrincz, PhD. and Tamás Török, PhD.) plan to publish the edited material of the presentations in the form of a conference proceedings at the end of the year.

We would like to welcome you to the international scientific symposium of the Variology Research Group of the Department of Hungarian Language and Literature entitled Current Issues in Spelling Teaching. The presentations are free of charge. If you wish to participate, please send an e-mail to .

On March 8, 2023 at 4 p.m., the MA Research Group for Popular Culture welcomes all interested persons in room 301 of the Faculty of Education on the occasion of the launch of the books Óperenciák by Patrik L. Baka and Tudástér by Péter H. Nagy.






On 14th December 2022 the Multilingualism and Educational Linguistics Research Group of the ELKH Linguistic Research Centre (ELKH) held the award ceremony of tale contest in the framework of the project Erasmus+: Romani Digital Knowledge Space: creating an innovative Romani-Hungarian digital educational-cultural competence development and support materials package using regional models.

The members of the jury were:
- Melinda Rézműves (Senior Romani expert, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, TENyeK; professional manager, Roma Village House and Creative House of Hodászi);
- Rita Babutsán (Secondary School Teacher, BGéSZC Eötvös Loránd Technical School; ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Doctoral School of Linguistics);
- dr. Patrik Baka L. (Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Teacher Education, Selye János University);
- dr. habil Bartha Csilla (Scientific Advisor, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, ELTE; Associate Professor, ELTE Faculty of Humanities);
- Zsófia Köllő (Programme Director, Association of Hungarian Teachers in Romania);
- Dr. Judit Raátz (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, ELTE).


Infrastructure of the study program

Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme Hungarian language and literature teacher training in combination

a. List and characteristics of the  classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.

Education in the study programme Hungarian language and literature teacher training in combination takes place in following classrooms of Faculty of Education J. Selye University:

T 107 (capacity: 30 people)
T 109 (capacity: 30 people)
T 201 (capacity: 45 people)
T 213 (capacity: 25 people)
T 301 (capacity: 40 people)
T 306 (capacity: 25 people)
T 402 (capacity: 34 people)
T 505 (capacity: 32 people)

Each classroom is equipped with presentation techniques. An interactive board can be found in the classroom T 109. The classroom T301 serves as specialized classroom for student of study programme. The equipment includes: dialectological atlases, dictionaries, posters (the languages of the world, parts of speech etc.), textbooks and coursebooks for primary and secondary schools. 

b. Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.). 

The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.

c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning. 

For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students.  In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.  

d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.

The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.

In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.

e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety.  In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre.  In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities. 

The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities.   Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.

f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education. 

J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.

The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.

Partner institutions


Other mobility programs


The list of our Erasmus+ partner institutions is in the attached chart here

Quarterly of our Faculty

Eruditio–Educatio is a scientific quarterly of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University. It is a multi – lingual, multidisciplinary, double-blind peer-review journal, which publishes original research-based studies mostly from social and pedagogical sciences. Currently, it has four issues annually: two issues in Hungarian language, one in Slovak, and one issue in joint English and German language. Though we prefer studies in English, we welcome manuscripts in any of the above mentioned languages.

Since January 2018, Eruditio – Educatio is registered and indexed in the Central and Eastern European Online Library international database as an Open Access journal :

To the website of the Eruditio–Educatio

Research projects

Projects in year 2019

Vedecko-výskumné projekty

Rozvojové projekty
Operačný Program VaI (ITMS 2014+)


Projects in year 2018  

Projekt KEGA č. 001UJS-4/2018

Vysokoškolské učebné materiály
Sociolingvistika v slovensko-maďarskom kontexte

Projekt je zameraný na zostavenie a publikovanie vysokoškolskej učebnice a e-learningových materiálov systému moodle zo sociolingvistiky s osobitný zreteľom na slovensko-maďarské kontexty.

Vysokoškolské učebné materiály zamerané na systematické vyučovanie disciplíny sociolingvistiky na slovenskom trhu dodnes absentujú, pedagógovia vyučujúci tento predmet na univerzitách a vysokých školách používajú ako zdroj prednášok a seminárov vedecké monografie a zborníky obsahujúce výsledky sociolingvistických výskumov. Didaktické spracovanie a prezentácia je dostupná iba v českom, anglickom, nemeckom a maďarskom jazyku a v ďalších cudzích jazykoch. Samotné štúdium cudzojazyčnej odbornej literatúry by nemal znamenať problém, avšak považujeme za potrebné spracovanie výsledkov slovenských výskumov a ich prezentáciu pre študentov v systematizovanej forme, podobne ako je to v prípade iných lingvistických disciplín.

Cieľom riešiteľského kolektívu je výber z originálnych prác sociolingvistických výskumníkov slovenského jazyka s metodolgicko-didaktickým účelom. Plánovaná publikácia reaguje na potrebu didaktickej transformácie najnovších vedeckých poznatkov z oblasti. Výsledkom je sumár didakticky spracovaných vedeckých poznatkov z oblasti sociolingvistiky. Texty sa spracúvajú v štýle problémového vyučovania, projekt je zameraný na prax.

Riešiteľsky kolektív


Vedúci projektu: Sándor János Tóth, PhD. Katedra SLJ PF UJS


Mgr. Szabolcs Simon, PhD., Katedra MLJ PF UJS
PaedDr. Eva Győriová Baková, Katedra SLJ PF UJS

Medzinárodná spolupráca:

Výskumný ústav Slovákov v Maďarsku: Tünde Tuska, PhD.
Katedra středoevropských studií Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy: Marián Sloboda, PhD.

Metodika spracovania a zostavovania materiálu

Každá kapitola sa člení na dve časti:

A) Teoretickú bázu tvoríme na základe syntézy odbornej literatúry. Ide o koncept výkladu vo forme krátkych, prehľadných a výstižných prednášok (nie v esejistickom alebo v ťažšom vedeckom štýle).

B) Na to sa nadväzujú relevantné príklady zo sociolingvistických výskumov. Jadrom učebnice sú nové citované publikované výskumy spracované do formy problémového vyučovania.

Asi najzaujímavejšiu interakčnú sféru má slovenčina s maďarským jazykom. Vzájomný vplyv týchto jazykov je historicky aj synchrónne aktuálnou otázkou. V príkladoch sa uplatňuje sa tu porovnávacie hľadisko a typické jazykové prvky, ktoré charakterizujú len zmiešané slovensko-maďarské prostredie (maďarská menšina na Slovensku a dolnozemská Slovač). Prikladáme aj relevantné literárne prejavy rôznych jazykových situácií a interakcií.

Plánované kapitoly

  1. Prečo skúmať spoločenské súvislosti jazyka? Sociolingvistika ako disciplína. Z histórie sociolingvistického výskumu. Makrosociolingvistika a mikrosiciolingvistika.
  2. Ktorými metódami pracujú výskumníci nárečí a sociolingvisti? Aký je vzťah sociolingvistiky a dialektológie?
  3. Aké sú vrstvy jazyka? Jazykové varianty a stratifikácia jazyka. Sociálne variety jazyka.
  4. Aký je vzťah kodifikovanej normy a reálneho používania jazyka? Jazyková kultúra, jazyková ideológia. Sociolingvistický vz. normativistický prístup.
  5. Ktoré faktory ovplyvňujú používanie jazyka? Postoje k jazyku. Jazyková socializácia. Jazyk a vek, jazyk a rod.
  6. Typológia jazykových situácií. Jazyková krajina.
  7. Ako funguje jazyk vo viacjazyčnom prostredí? Otázky bilingvizmu a jazykových kontaktov.
  8. Je potrebné regulovať používanie jazyka? Jazyková politika a jazykové právo, jazykový manažment a plánovanie.
  9. Mediálna a mediovaná komunikácia

Aktuálny časový harmonogram

08.01.2018 12.01.2018 Prípravné diskusie autorského kolektívu. Odborné stratégie a koncepcia.

01.02.2018 30.03.2018 Práca s odbornou literatúrou. Výber relevantných teoretických aj výskumných materiálov k jednotlivým kapitolám učebnice. Zaobstarávanie odbornej literatúry.

02.04.2018 31.05.2018 Integrácia vlastných výskumov Syntéza a integrovanie vlastného publikovaného výskumného materiálu k jednotlivým kapitolám


01.06.2018 31.08.2018 Príprava materiálov a jednotlivých kapitol vysokoškolskej učebnice. Tvorivá práca autorov. Vzájomné lektorovanie a diskusie.

Projects in year 2017

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 01

KNM-1326/2017/2.2 VI. medzinárodné vedecké sympózium: Inkluzívna škola, inkluzívna spoločnosť

Opis projektu: Edukácia ponúka možnosť osloviť viac generácii, škola slúži ako najväčší priestor duševnej hygieny a z toho hľadiska výmena vedecko-výskumných výstupov prehlbuje interkulturálny prístup výchovy doma i v zahraničí. Jednotný názor na výchovu v rámci SR je tiež diskutabilný, má veľké regionálne rozdiely tak isto, ako v rámci Strednej Európy (HU, R, SRB).

Zodpovední riešitelia projektu: PaedDr. Strédl Terézia, PhD, PaedDr. Nagy Melinda, PhD.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 02

KNM-1321/2017/1.1.2 Socializačný vplyv terapie vo výchove

Opis projektu: Výchovné zariadenia sa stávajú z roka na rok intenzívnejším socializačným priestorom v rozvíjaní osobnosti dieťaťa, preto vyžadujú alternatívne prístupy a techniky v socializácii dieťaťa najmä vtedy, keď ich navštevujú deti z rôznych socializačných vrstiev, vyžadujúce diferencovaný prístup.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: PaedDr. Strédl Terézia, PhD.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 03

KNM-1322/2017/1.1.2 Jasovská kláštorná záhrada – súčasť nášho kultúrneho dedičstva

Opis projektu: Premonštrátska kláštorná záhrada v obci Jasov je významnou kultúrnou, historickou a prírodnou pamiatkou. Pripravovaná monografia ju predstavuje z pohľadu histórie, podmienok jeho vzniku, výstavby použitých slohov, dendrologického materiálu.

Monografiu pripravujú dvaja vysokoškolskí učitelia, Ing. Pavol Balázs, PhD. – biológ, botanik, a PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD. – biológ pochádzajúca z obce Jasov, a zaoberajúca sa vyše 20 rokov touto problematikou. Monografia obsahuje aj bohatý obrazový materiál dokumentujúci záhradu – historické fotografie, súčasné fotografie, a originálne kresby jedného z autorov.. 

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 04

KNM-1328/2017/2.3 Variativita maďarčiny v menšinovom prostredí na Slovensku

Opis projektu: V rámci projektu ide o 3 aktivity: Vedecké sympózium skupiny Variológia pri Katedre maďarského jazyka a literatúry; Pamätná konferencia Jánosa Aranya; Vedecká prednáška emeritného profesora László Keresztesa, bývalého učiteľa Debreceni Egyetem o pôvode maďarského jazyka. Bádateľská skupina Variológia bola založená v roku 2010 v Komárne pri Katedre maďarského jazyka a literatúry Pedagogickej fakulty. Bádateľská skupina realizovala doteraz päť vedeckých sympózií. Cieľom vedeckých sympózií bola jazykovedná analýza učebníc používaných na rôznych stupňoch vzdelávania (základná, stredná, vysoká škola) v rôznych typoch škôl s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským na Slovensku. V poslednom čase sa na sympóziách zaoberá aj analýzou učebných pomôcok a materiálov ako aj analýzou pedagogických dokumentov (Štátneho vzdelávacieho programu). Užším cieľom skupiny Variológia je, aby reflektovaním na domáce učebnice publikované v maďarskom jazyku ako aj na školské dokumenty prispievala k zdokonaľovaniu predmetných školských dokumentov. Na doterajších sympóziách tradične vystupovali s prednáškami domáci a zahraniční odborníci. Bádateľská skupina plánuje realizovať ďalšie sympózium v apríli 2017. Príspevky konferencie budú publikované vo vedeckom zborníku. Rozmer A5, čierno/biela publikácia v mäkkom obale, 200 výtlačkov. Druhým významným vedeckým podujatím bádateľskej skupiny bude Pamätná konferencia Jánosa Aranya pri príležitosti 200. jubilea narodenia významnej osobnosti maďarskej literatúry. Cieľom konferencie je, aby oslovení prednášatelia, jazykovedci a literárni vedci demonštrovali význam spisovateľskej tvorby Jánosa Aranya a jej vplyv na stvárňovanie spisovného jazyka. Vedecké podujatie poskytuje možnosť na zmapovanie témy manažovania jazyka v menšinovom jazykovom prostredí. Toto jazykovedné odvetvie je v súčasnosti moderným smerom v jazykovede. Vytýčeným cieľom konferencie je odhalenie významu spisovateľskej tvorby Aranya z hľadiska stvárňovania modernej spisovnej maďarčiny a nie tradičná literárnovedná analýza jeho diel. Treťou plánovanou aktivitou skupiny Variológia je organizovanie vedeckej prednášky emeritného profesora László Keresztesa. Ide o poskytovanie najnovších vedeckých poznatkov vo súčasnosti veľmi aktuálnej spoločensko-jazykovedenej téme o pôvode maďarského jazyka pre poslucháčov fakulty a pre verejnosť.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: Szabolcs Simon, PhD.

Výstupy projektu:

- 29. marca 2017 : prednáška profesora emerita Debreceni Egyetem László Keresztesa o pôvode maďarského jazyka.

- 28. apríla 2017 : medzinárodné vedecké sympózium bádateľskej skupiny Variológia pôsobiacej od roku 2010 na Katedre maďarského jazyka a literatúry Pedagogickej fakulty UJS. 

- Vedecký zborník zo sympózia;

- 10. novembra 2017 : Týždeň vedy a techniky na Slovensku : Jubilejná konferencia k výročiu Jánosa Aranya.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 05

KNM-1324/2017/1.1.2 O charaktere ideologického ťaženia v Československu (1948-1989) 

Opis projektu: Publikácia analyzuje historický vývoj niektorých vybraných problémov ideologického ťaženia československého komunistického režimu v období 1948-1989. Publikácia je venovaná konkrétnym historickým témam a problémom nedávnej minulosti, ako slobodný pohyb ľudí (migrácia), populačný vývoj a mediálna propaganda – a to všetko v súvislosti s maďarským obyvateľstvom žijúcich v Československu. V centre pozornosti knihy stoja témy, ako sloboda pohybu ľudí (v Československu ako aj v rámci východnej Európy), hlavne otázka voľného pohybu za prácou, či už smerom na západnú Európu alebo v rámci východnej Európy. Kniha sa taktiež bude zaoberať s demografickými otázkami Československa, vrátane problematiky potratov. Tretím tematickým okruhom knihy budú štúdie o charaktere mediálnej propagandy používanej zámerne a tendenčne komunistickým režimom, vrátane tém týkajúcich sa Rádia slobodnej Európy, Charty 77 a pod.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: Dr. habil. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.

Výstupy projektu: Vedecká monografia.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 06

D189/2017/13 Majorita – minorita a ich súžitie

Opis projektu: V rámci projektu sa uskutočnia workshopy, ktoré budú príležitosťou na budovanie kompetencií u učiteľov potrebných na výchovu k tolerancii. Cieľom je podpora vysokoškolských študentov pri budovaní ich sociálnych kompetencií.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: PaedDr. Strédl Terézia, PhD.

Výstupy projektu:

- Workshopy plánujeme od 13:00 hod. do 16:30 hod. s programom:

13.00 – László Szarka: História, politika a historické zmierovanie – slovensko-maďarské vzťahy (Történelem, történelempolitika és a történeti megbékélés – magyar-szlovák kapcsolatok)

14.00 – Melinda Nagy: Spolužitie – izolovane, integrovane alebo asimilovane? (Rómovia v Európe) (Együttélés – izoláltan, integráltan vagy asszimiláltan? (Romák Európában))

15.00 – Terézia Strédl: Tolerantná komunikácia – komunikatívna tolerancia v praxi (Toleráns kommunikáció – kommunikatív tolerancia a gyakorlatban)

Miesto a dátum konania:

18. októbra 2017, Komárno, sídlo SzMPSz

23. októbra 2017, Veľké Kapušany, ZŠ s VJM

24. októbra 2017, Moldava nad Bodvou, ZŠ s VJM (začiatok: 8:30 hod.)

25. októbra 2017, Tornaľa, ZS s VJM

20. novembra 2017, Galanta, sídlo Nadácie P. Pázmánya, ul. Z. Kodálya.

- Výskum študentov UJS zameraný na zisťovanie ich názorov o predsudkoch, diskriminácii, kooperácii.

- Budovanie kompetencií študentov (interkulturálna výchova).

PROJEKT – TKK – 2017 : 07

KNM-1323/2017/1.1.1 Eruditio – Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne) – 12. ročník

Opis projektu: Jednotlivé čísla časopisu uverejňujú odborné príspevky z pedagogických, humanitných a prírodných vied. Koncepcia zostavovania jednotlivých čísel sa utvára tak, aby značný priestor rozsahu strán bol zaistený pre originálne vedecké štúdie, v ktorých sa môžu prezentovať výsledky výskumu mladších i starších vedeckých pracovníkov, vysokoškolských pedagógov, resp. doktorandov a vysokoškolských študentov (Štúdie; Kratšie články, Pramene). Ďalej sa dáva priestor otvoreným otázkam vedným, literárnym a pedagogickým, vrátane edukačných problémov a inovačných návrhov (Fórum, Diskusia). Rubrika pre recenzie prináša najnovšie poznatky o publikačnej činnosti domácich i zahraničných odborníkov. Udalosti a Správy tvoria zase rubriku, kde sa môže verejnosť informovať o významných udalostiach na domácej univerzite, alebo kde sa podávajú informácie o dôležitejších výsledkoch získaných domácimi odborníkmi na iných univerzitách.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Dr. habil. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.

Výstupy projektu: štyri čísla 12. ročníka vedeckého časopisu Eruditio – Educatio.

Projects in year 2016

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 01

Projekt ITMS 26210120042 „Modernizácia a skvalitnenie technickej infraštruktúry výskumu a vývoja UJS v oblasti nanotechnológie a inteligentného priestoru“. V rámci projektu sa na Katedre chémie PF UJS v roku 2015 zriadilo Nanochemické a supramolekulové laboratórium. Laboratórium bolo zariadené z prostriedkov projektu Agentúry ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR Pre štrukturálne fondy EÚ „Podporujeme výskumné aktivity na Slovensku / Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“.  Cieľom Nanochemického a supramolekulového laboratória PF UJS je:

- realizovanie presného a najmodernejšieho merania jemnej štruktúry, náboja, distribúcie veľkosti a rôznorodosti rôznych nanosystémov,
- sledovanie a pochopenie evolúcie supramolekulárnej architektúry; náboja, veľkosti a chemického zloženia pripravených nanozostáv,
- preskúmanie reologického správania a prúdenia nových nanozostáv, čo má zásadný význam v rade priemyselných aplikácií.

V Nanochemickom a supermolekulovom laboratóriu UJS sa nachádza: Cirkulačný termostat 1, Sušiareň s nútenou cirkuláciou 1, Zariadenie na čistenie vody 1, Laboratórny pH/mV meter 1, Cirkulačný termostat s chladením 1, Reometer s príslušenstvom 1, Prístroj na delenie a čistenie makromolekúl a meranie ich molekulovej hmotnosti 1, Prístroj na neinvazívne meranie veľkosti častíc, zetapotenciálu a molekulovej hmotnosti polymérov na princípe dynamického rozptylu svetla 1, Mikroskop s príslušenstvom 1, Spektrometer 1, Sálová preparatívna ultracentrifuga s rotormi 1, Analytická centrifúga 1, Reometer 1, 3DSpektrofeter 1, Spektrofotometer 1, Homogenizátor 1, Laboratórna chladnička 1, Laboratórna analytická váha 1, Laboratórny stôl váhový odpružený na robustnej kovovej podnoži s výstuhom nôh 1, Laboratórny stôl na ľahkej kovovej podnoži 2, Stolička laboratórna 7, Skrinka laboratórna policová sklenené dvierka 8, Skrinka laboratórna policová otvorená 4, Laboratórny stôl prístrojový pre prácu v stoji na robustnej podnoži 12, Laboratórny stôl jednostranný s keramickou výlevkou 1, Laboratórny stôl žulový pre malé a analytické váhy 1, Digitálny mikroskop 1, Notebook 15,6“ 4, Notebook 13,3“ 2, All in One 20“ touch 4. Vyššie uvedené laboratórne zariadenia, vybavenia a špeciálne prístroje budú použité na následné výskumno-vývojové aktivity v oblasti nanotechnológií v súlade s naplánovanými aktivitami v „Pláne modernizácie výskumno-vývojovej infraštruktúry a výskumná stratégia UJS od 2016 v horizonte do 2023“.

Výstupy projektu:  [ADC] 001 BODNÁR, Katalin, Katarína SZARKA, Miklós NAGY a Róbert MÉSZÁROS. Effect of the Charge Regulation Behavior of Polyelectrolytes on Their Nonequilibrium Complexation with Oppositely Charged Surfactants. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 120, no. 49 (2016), p. 12720-12729. ISSN 1520-6106. WoS. IF (2015): 3,187.

Prezentácie na konferenciách

Katalin Bodnár; Edit Fegyver; Miklós Nagy and Róbert Mészáros: "Effect of the Charge Regulation Behavior and Chemistry of Polyelectrolytes on their Nonequilibrium Complexation with Oppositely Charged Surfactants" Poster, 30-th Conference of European Colloid and Interface Society, Roma, Italia, 2016 September 4-9.

Krisztina Bali; Zsófia Varga; Attila Kardos; Imre Varga and Róbert Mészáros: "Effect of electrolyte concentration gradient on the phase properties of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures" poster, 7th International Colloids Conference Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 2017, June 18-21.

Krisztina Bali and Róbert Mészáros: "Preparation of polyamine/anionic surfactant/gold nanocomposites: Effect of temperature, pH and preparation method" poster, 7th International Colloids Conference Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 2017, June 18-21.

Pozvané prednášky: Róbert Mészáros: "Fine Tuning the Nonequilibrium Features of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant mixtures" UK Bratislava, 2017. november

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 02

KEGA 005UJS-4/2015 Internacionalizácia ŠP predškolská a elementárna pedagogika pre II. stupeň VŠ štúdia

Opis projektu: V snahe splniť očakávania doby, a zvýšiť záujem zahraničných študentov o študijný program predškolská a elementárna pedagogika pre II. stupeň vysokoškolského štúdia sa vytvorí tento študijný program aj v anglickom jazyku. Preložia sa informačné listy predmetov akreditovaného ŠP, a krátka charakteristika ŠP. Následne sa vytvoria učebné materiály vo forme skrípt v anglickom jazyku k vybraným pedagogickým a psychologickým, sociálnovedným a didaktickým predmetom študijného programu. K ostatným predmetom sa vytvoria prezentácie alebo podrobné sylaby v anglickom jazyku. Ku všetkým predmetom sa pripravia aj preverovacie otázky, alebo testy.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: dr. habil. Ing. Szőköl István, PhD.

Celkový počet a mená fyzických osôb zapojených do realizácie projektu za PF UJS: Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD.; prof. Dr. Béla István Pukánszki, DrSc.;.PaedDr. Beáta Dobay, PaedDr. Andrea Puskás, PhD., RNDr. Zuzana Árki, PhD. , PaedDr. Terézia Strédl, PhD., PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD., PaedDr. Edita Szabóová, PhD., Mgr. Yvette Orsovics, PhD.

Výstupy projektu:

[AAA] SZŐKÖL, István. Educational evaluation in contemporary schools. 1. vyd. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale, 2016. 159 s. ISBN 978-615-5372-60-5.

[AAB] PUSKÁS, Andrea. The Challenges and Practices of Teaching Young Learners. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. 90 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-178-1.

[ACB] BORDÁS, Sándor, Melinda NAGY a Terézia STRÉDL. A pszichológia és társadalomtudományai [elektronický zdroj]. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2015. CD-ROM, 288 s. ISBN 978-80-8122-164-4.

[ADC] CSŐSZ, Aranka, Anna SZÉCSÉNYI-NAGY, Veronika CSÁKYOVÁ, Péter LANGÓ, Viktória BÓDIS, Kitti KÖHLER, Gyöngyvér TÖMÖRY, Melinda NAGY a Balázs Gusztáv MENDE. Maternal Genetic Ancestry and Legacy of 10th Century AD Hungarians. Scientific Reports. Vol. 6, art. no. 33446 (2016), p. [1-6]. ISSN 2045-2322. WoS, SCOPUS. IF (2015): 5,228. SNIP (2015): 1,589.

[ADC] NAGY, Melinda, Veronika CSÁKYOVÁ, Balázs Gusztáv MENDE, Aranka CSŐSZ, Gabriel FUSEK, Pavol MAKOVICKÝ, Miroslav BAUER a Mária BAUEROVÁ. Maternal relationship analysis of skeletal remains from Early Medieval cemetery in Slovakia. Antropologischer Anzeiger. Vol. 73, no. 3 (2016), p. 249-255. ISSN 0003-5548. WoS. IF (2015): 0,426.

[AFC] SZŐKÖL, I.: Information Gathering Stage, the Choice of Methods, Instruments, Tools to Assess the Phenonemon of Educational Reality. In. Gómez Chova, L. – López Martínez, A. – Candel Torres, I. (eds.): 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia (Spain) : IATED Academy, 2017, s. 9888-9896. ISBN 978-84-617-8491-2

[AFC] SZŐKÖL, István a Kinga HORVÁTHOVÁ. The Communication Competence of Teachers and ist Importance. In: Pedagogy and Didactics in Technical Education: Schola 2016. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017, P. 203-211. ISBN 978-80-01-06112-1.

[AFC] SZŐKÖL, István a Kinga HORVÁTHOVÁ. The Teacher´s Personality in Relation to the Educational Concept. In: INTED 2017 Proceedings. [s.l.]: IATED, 2017, CD-ROM, p. 9897-9901. ISBN 978-84-617-8491-2.

[AFC] SZŐKÖL, István. Application development for future Teachers in the Programming environment Imagine. In: INTED 2016 Proceedings: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia: IATED, 2016, USB kľúč, p. 5420-5424. ISBN 978-84-608-5617-7. WoS.

[AFC] SZŐKÖL, István, Kinga HORVÁTHOVÁ a Beáta DOBAY. The Human Factor in the Teaching Process. In: INTED 2016: Conference Proceedings. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy, 2016, CD-ROM, p. 5425-5428. ISBN 978-84-608-5617-7. WoS.

[AFD] KISS, Attila Elemér, Zuzana ÁRKI, Sándor LAKI, Gergő GOMBOS a Zoltán VINCELLÉR. Training data science in academic education. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2016: "Súčasné aspekty vedy a vzdelávania" - Sekcia informatických vied a IKT. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016, CD-ROM, s. 62-76. ISBN 978-80-8122-190-3.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 03

KEGA 002UJS-4/2016 Web-Based aplikácie v prírodovednom vzdelávaní na ZŠ a SŠ

Cieľ projektu: Predložený projekt je zaradený do Tematickej oblasti č. 2: Nové technológie, metódy a formy vo výučbe. On-line web-based aplikácie, ktoré síce väčšinou boli vyvinuté pre komerčné účely, niektoré majú v sebe aj výchovno-vzdelávací potenciál. Viaceré poskytovatelia on-line služieb ponúkajú bezplatný prístup k svojim digitálnym kapacitám pre vzdelávacie účely.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: Mgr. Katarína Szarka, PhD.

Opis projektu: Výskum projektu sa orientuje: na analýzu trhu komerčných, bezplatne poskytnutých web-based aplikácií, ktoré sú aplikovateľné do vzdelávania; na tvorbu súboru vybraných web-based aplikácií a ich charakteristika spracovaná do užívateľských manuálov; na tvorbu súboru ukážkových modelov učebných on-line aktivít prírodovedným zameraním prostredníctvom vybraných web-based aplikácií. Hlavnou ambíciou projektu je inovovať vzdelávacie formy a metódy prípravy budúcich učiteľov na PF UJS prostredníctvom web-based aplikácií, podpora ich orientácie v rýchlo sa rozvíjajúcom sa svete informačnej spoločnosti a uľahčenie procesu integrovať sa do komunity on-line sveta. Ďalšou snahou je priblížiť budúce pedagogicko - didaktické záujmy budúcich učiteľov k záujmom mladej generácie ako aj nájsť spoločnú platformu nového učebného prostredia prostredníctvom webbased aplikácií. Preto hlavným zámerom projektu je analyzovať trh web-based aplikácií, v ďalšom analyzovať didaktické aspekty amožnosti vybraných web-based aplikácií a zároveň poskytnúť modely učebných aktivít s webovými aplikáciami a interaktívnych on-line učebných aktivít integrovateľné do vysokoškolského vzdelávania prípravy budúcich učiteľov.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Mgr. Katarína Szarka, PhD.

Celkový počet a mená fyzických osôb zapojených do realizácie projektu za PF UJS: dr. habil., PaedDr. György Juhász, PhD., Mgr. Andrea Vargová, PhD., Mgr. Anita Tóth-Bakos, PhD., Mészáros Attila, Dr. phil., Mgr.

Výstupy projektu 2016-2017:

[AFD] Szarka, Katarína (50%); Vargová, Andrea (50%); Czakóová, Krisztina (0%); Gubo, Štefan (0%): Web-alapú alkalmazások a tanárképzésben. 2016 Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8122-190-3

[AFD] Juhász, György (50%); Szarka, Katarína (50%); Czakóová, Krisztina (0%); Jaruska, Ladislav (0%): Aplikácie podporujúce výučbu štruktúry molekúl. 2016 Komárno : Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8122-190-3

[ADE] SZARKA, Katarína, Beáta BRESTENSKÁ a Andrea PUSKÁS. Didactical Aspects of Virtual Wall in Education. Education & Science Without Borders. Vol. 7, no. 14 (2016), p. 75-79. ISSN 1804-2473.

[ADF] SZARKA, Katarína a György JUHÁSZ. Webové aplikácie v príprave budúcich učiteľov. Edukácia. Roč. 2, č. 2 (2017), s. 233-238. ISSN 1339-8725.

[AFC] SZARKA, Katarína a Magdaléna HUGYIVÁROVÁ. Implementácia prostriedkov Web-based rozvíjajúceho hodnotenia praktických laboratórnych cvičení v príprave budúcich učiteľov chémie. In: Aktuální aspekty pregraduální přípravy a postgraduálního vzdělávaní učitelů chemie: Sborník z mezinárodní konference. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2017, CD-ROM, s. 161-172. ISBN 978-80-7464-942-4.

[AFC] JUHÁSZ, György a Katarína SZARKA. Webes alkalmazások, molekulamodellezés és a kémiai kötés oktatása. In: A Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar 2017-es tudományos konferenciáinak tanulmánygyűjteménye. Szabadka: Újvidéki Egyetem, 2017, P. 934-940. ISBN 978-86-87095-76-2.

[AFC] SZARKA, Katarína, Beáta BRESTENSKÁ a Anita TÓTH-BAKOS. On-line fejlesztő értékelés a tanárképzés gyakorlatában. In: A Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar 2017-es tudományos konferenciáinak tanulmánygyűjteménye. Szabadka: Újvidéki Egyetem, 2017, P. 1047-1059. ISBN 978-86-87095-76-2.

[AFC] JARUSKA, Ladislav a György JUHÁSZ. A számítógépes modellezés lehetőségei a matematikaoktatásban. In: A Magyar Tannyelvű Tanítóképző Kar 2017-es tudományos konferenciáinak tanulmánygyűjteménye. Szabadka: Újvidéki Egyetem, 2017, P. 926-933. ISBN 978-86-87095-76-2.

[AFD] SZARKA, Katarína a Magdaléna HUGYIVÁROVÁ. Laboratóriumi gyakorlatok Web-alapú applikációkkal támogatott fejlesztő értékelése a kémia tanárképzésben. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2017: "Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia" - Sekcie pedagogických vied. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017, CD-ROM, s. 232-240. ISBN 978-80-8122-222-1.

[AFD] TÓTH-BAKOS, Anita, Andrea VARGOVÁ, Ladislav JARUSKA, Andrea PUSKÁS a Attila MÉSZÁROS. Webové aplikácie v príprave budúcich učiteľov - hodnotenie ich didaktických aspektov. In: Zborník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Univerzity J. Selyeho - 2017: "Hodnota, kvalita a konkurencieschopnosť - výzvy 21. storočia" - Sekcia informatických vied a IKT. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2017, CD-ROM, s. 105-119. ISBN 978-80-8122-221-4.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 04

VEGA 1/0158/14 Formy politicko-mediálnej propagandy v strednej Európe, Česko-slovensku a Maďarsku (1938-1968)

Opis projektu: V centre projektu stojí výskum politicko-mediálnej propagandy v kontexte strednej Európy, ale predovšetkým Česko-Slovenska a Maďarska. Prvotným cieľom projektu je výskum takých primárnych a sekundárnych prameňov (noviny, rozhlas, letáky), v ktorých sú zachytiteľné rôzne formy politicko-mediálnej propagandy. Riešitelia sa usilujú o zachytenie a zdokumentovanie mediálneho charakteru politických udalostí, t.j. zdokumentovanie toho, aké diskrepancie boli medzi skutočnými politickými udalosťami a ich obrazmi zachytenými v dobových médiách. Vymedzenie časovej periódy od 1938 do 1968 je zdôvodnené tým, že v danom období prostriedky politicko-mediálnej propagandy vo vymedzenom geografickom priestore boli jednotné, kým v neskoršom období už došlo k pomerne veľkému rozmachu iných, nových mediálnych prostriedkov (napr. televízia).

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: Dr. habil. Barnabás Vajda, PhD. (Katedra histórie PF UJS)

Celkový počet a mená fyzických osôb zapojených do realizácie projektu za PF UJS: dr. habil., Popély Árpád, PhD., dr. habil., Simon Attila, PhD.

Výstupy projektu:

[AAB] Vajda, Barnabas et al.: Forms of Political and Media Propaganda in Central Europe, Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary (1938-1968). Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016, 272 oldal. ISBN 978-80-8122-176-7.

[AAB] Vajda Barnabás: Hidegháború es európai integráció – Régi és új értelmezések a 20. század második felének történeti értelmezéséhez. Monographiae Comaromienses 16. SJE Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, 172 p. ISBN 978-80-8122-118-7.

[ABB] Árpád Popély: The Bratislava Új Szó and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. In: Vajda Barnabás et al. / Barnabás Vajda a kol.: Forms of Political and Media Propaganda in Central Europe, Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary (1938-1968); Formy politicko-mediálnej propagandy v strednej Európe, Česko-Slovensku a Maďarsku (1938-1968); A politikai és mediális

propaganda formái Közép-Európában, Cseh-Szlovákiában és Magyarországon (1938-1968). Vyd. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2016, pp. 73-96. ISBN 978-80-8122-176-7.

[ABB] Attila Simon: For the Just Borders. The issue of the Trianon State Borders in the 1938 Propaganda War between Czechoslovakia and Hungary targeted on Southern Slovakia. In: Vajda Barnabás et al. / Barnabás Vajda a kol.: Forms of Political and Media Propaganda in Central Europe, Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary (1938-1968); Formy politicko-mediálnejpropagandy v strednej Európe, Česko-Slovensku a Maďarsku (1938-1968); A politikai és mediális propaganda formái Közép-Európában, Cseh-Szlovákiában és Magyarországon (1938-1968). Vyd. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2016, pp. 39-58. ISBN 978-80-8122-176-7.

[ADF] Barnabás Vajda: A friendly chat at Malta: propaganda or realism? Eruditio – Educatio (Volume-Jahrgang 10.) 3/2015, pp. 35–46. ISSN 1336-8893.

[ADF] Barnabás Vajda: Hungarian – Czechoslovak border relations in the Cold War. From strict border policy to the ‘Hell’. Eruditio – Educatio (Volume-Jahrgang 10.) 3/2015, pp. 21–34. ISSN 1336-8893.

[ADF] Vajda Barnabás: A hivatalos ateizmus évei Dunaszerdahelyen. Eruditio-Educatio 2014/1 (9. évfolyam), 30-38. ISSN 1336-8893.

[AEE] Barnabas Vajda: The Malta Meeting and Eastern Europe in 1989: How were they presented by the media propaganda in Czechoslovakia? In: Ieda, Osamu–Nagayo, Susumu (eds.): Transboundary Symbiosis over the Danube II. Road to a Multidimensional Ethnic Symbiosis in the Mid-Danube Region. Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 2015, pp. 71-89. ISBN 978-4-938637-80-4.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 05

VEGA 2/0023/12 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1930-1938)

Stručný opis projektu: Projekt je zameraný na základný archívny výskum základných otázok politických dejín maďarskej minority v druhom desaťročí existencie Československej republiky. Výskum sa realizuje v spolupráci so Spoločenskovedným ústavom SAV v Košiciach. Vedúcim projektu je vedecký pracovník SpVÚ SAV Olejník Milan, Mgr. PhD.

Z Katedry histórie PF UJS realizátorom výskumu je dr. habil. Attila Simon, PhD., spoluriešiteľom je dr. habil. László Szarka, CSc. a dr. habil. Arpád Popély, PhD.

Výstupy projektu: [ABD] SIMON, Attila. A látszatnál színesebb. A szlovenszkói magyar politika irányzatai az 1930-as években. In: Változó világbanA magyar kisebbség a harmincas évek Csehszlovákiájában. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho - Centrum spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV, 2015, S. 27-37, [1,22 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-168-2.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 06

VEGA 1/0528/16 Reformovaná kresťanská cirkev na Slovensku v rokoch 1919–1952

Stručný opis projektu: Hlavným vedeckým cieľom projektu je odkrytie a spísanie dejín Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi na Slovensku v rokoch 1919–1952, ktorá téma je doteraz nespracovaná. Čiastkové ciele sú nasledovné:

- načrtnúť základné etapy organizačného vývoja reformovanej cirkvi po vzniku ČSR, a objasniť tie okolnosti ktoré na fungovanie reformovanej cirkvi vplývali.

- na základe odkrytých prameňov analyzovať vzájomný vzťah Československého (respektíve v rokoch

1939–1945) slovenského štátu a Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi.

- odkryť a spísať životné dráhy najdôležitejších cirkevných predstaviteľov danej doby. Napr.: Eleméra Balogha, Istvána Pálćzi Czinke, Štefana Štundu, Bélu Sörösa atď.

- analyzovať jednotlivé aspekty spoločnosti kalvínov žijúcich na Slovensku (demografia, spoločenské zvyky, národnostné pomery atď.)

Úspešné splnenie hore uvedených cieľov ďalej vyžaduje:

- Odkryť pramennú bázu danej témy vo vlastnom archíve Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi na Slovensku, ktorý archív bol doteraz pre bádateľov málo prístupný.

Preskúmať, digitalizovať a systematizovať spisovný materiál, ktorý sa nachádza v štátnych archívoch a porovnať s spisovým materiálom v cirkevných archívoch.

Projekt je založený na vedeckej spolupráci Katedry histórie z Pedagogickej fakulty UJS a Katedry cirkevných dejín Teologickej fakulty UJS, čo zabezpečuje výborné predpoklady na úspešné splnenie tak hlavných ako čiastočných cieľov projektu. Kolektív riešiteľov tvoria odborníci, ktorí sa otázkam dejín Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi na Slovensku a dejín Maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku venujú dlhšiu dobu. Výsledky svojho výskumu publikovali vo viacerých monografiách, v karentovaných časopisoch, v kapitolách vedeckých publikáciách.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ projektu: Dr. habil. Simon Attila, PhD.

Celkový počet a mená fyzických osôb zapojených do realizácie projektu za PF UJS: dr. habil., Popély Árpád, PhD., dr. habil., Szarka László, PhD. 

Výstupy projektu: Zborník príspevkov z konferencie konanej v októbri 2017.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 07

KNM-1668/2016/2.2 V. Vedecké sympózium PF UJS: Etika v edukácii

Stručný opis projektu: Katedra pedagogiky a Katedra biológie Pedagogickej fakulty Univerzity J. Selyeho už piatykrát organizovali vedecké sympózium, na ktorom pozvaní, a v danej tematike orientovaní vysokoškolskí učitelia zverejňovali a publikovali svoje štúdie. Témou tohoročného sympózia bola Etika v edukácii. Sympózium sa konalo 15.-16. novembra 2016 v Komárne. Na sympóziu vystúpilo 19 prednášateľov s referátom v troch sekciách. Konferenciu otvoril prodekan Pedagogickej Fakulty UJS. 16. novembra 2016 sa konal workshop s účasťou študentov UJS. Témami workshopu boli: KEMSAK a jeho praktické ukazovatele; Etické aspekty udržateľnej spotreby. Zborník obsahuje 15 štúdií, v ktorých autori z rôznych univerzít predstavujú výsledky svojej vedecko-výskumnej práce. Sympózium bolo realizované pod v Komárne na Univerzite J Selyeho s finančnou podporou 1000 EUR Úradu vlády Slovenskej republiky – programu Kultúra národnostných menšín 2016 a spolufinancované univerzitou vo výške 53 EUR. Financie boli použité podľa rozpočtu schválenej dotácie.

Význam a prínos: Piaty ročník medzinárodného vedeckého sympózia sledovalo naplnenie aktuálnych potrieb maďarskej menšiny v oblasti edukácie vysokoškolských pedagógov, pedagógov v praxi ale i študentov v pregraduálnom štúdiu VŠ. Toho roku hlavným cieľom bolo monitorovanie profesionálnej etiky vo výchove a vzdelávaní detí a mládeže, vysokoškolských študentov ale aj u samotných pedagógov vo viacjazyčnom prostredí, a tým upriamiť pozornosť na etické otázky a dosiahnuť posilnenie výchovy a vzdelávania príslušníkov národnostných menšín s prihliadnutím na etické hodnoty našej spoločnosti. Na sympóziu odzneli početné prednášky k tejto problematike, boli živé debaty po prednáškach a v rámci workshopu, a vydal sa zborník, ktorý sprístupňuje referáty aj pre tých, ktorí sa nemohli zúčastniť osobne.

Ohlasy, skúsenosti: Sympózium bolo propagované medzi pracovníkmi a študentmi UJS prostredníctvom plagátov, letáčikov a e-mailu, informácie boli sprístupnené na web-stránke UJS (, ďalej to bolo propagované na vybraných slovenských a zahraničných univerzitách, vďaka čomu sa zapojili aj VŠ učitelia z UK v Bratislave, PU v Prešove, ELTE v Budapesti a NYME v Szombathely (Maďarsko), KJF v Székesfehérvár (Maďarsko), PdF UP v Olomouc (Česko). O sympózium prejavili záujem aj študenti UJS – budúci pedagógovia.

O sympóziu je v tlači článok (Nagy, M., Strédl, T.: Etika v edukácii) v časopise PF UJS Eruditio – Educatio. Vydal sa aj vedecký zborník prednášok, aby sa výsledky dostali k čo najširšej vedeckej a odbornej verejnosti. Sympózia sa zúčastnilo 108 registrovaných poslucháčov z radov vysokoškolských učiteľov, učiteľov ZŠ a SŠ, a študentov učiteľských študijných programov..

Výstupy projektu: [FAI] NAGY, Melinda a Terézia STRÉDL. Etika az edukációban - tanulmánykötet [elektronický zdroj]. 1. vyd. Komárno: Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2016. CD-ROM, 133 s. [10,2 AH]. ISBN 978-80-8122-196-5.

PROJEKT – TKK – 2016 : 08

KNM-1669/2016/1.1.1 Eruditio – Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne) – 11. ročník

Opis projektu: Jednotlivé čísla časopisu uverejňujú odborné príspevky z pedagogických, humanitných a prírodných vied. Koncepcia zostavovania jednotlivých čísel sa utvára tak, aby značný priestor rozsahu strán bol zaistený pre originálne vedecké štúdie, v ktorých sa môžu prezentovať výsledky výskumu mladších i starších vedeckých pracovníkov, vysokoškolských pedagógov, resp. doktorandov a vysokoškolských študentov (Štúdie; Kratšie články, Pramene). Ďalej sa dáva priestor otvoreným otázkam vedným, literárnym a pedagogickým, vrátane edukačných problémov a inovačných návrhov (Fórum, Diskusia). Rubrika pre recenzie prináša najnovšie poznatky o publikačnej činnosti domácich i zahraničných odborníkov. Udalosti a Správy tvoria zase rubriku, kde sa môže verejnosť informovať o významných udalostiach na domácej univerzite, alebo kde sa podávajú informácie o dôležitejších výsledkoch získaných domácimi odborníkmi na iných univerzitách.

Zodpovedný riešiteľ: Dr. habil. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.

Výstupy projektu: štyri čísla 11. ročníka vedeckého časopisu Eruditio – Educatio

Project : ITMS: 26110230108 (2015)

V rámci projektu s názvom: „Zvyšovanie kvality vzdelávania tvorbou a inováciou študijných programov, rozvojom ľudských zdrojov a podporou kariérneho poradenstva“ (ITMS: 26110230108) boli vydané nasledovné učebné materiály:

Horváthová Kinga: Oktatásmenedzsment. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-136-1

Hugyivár Magda – Szarka Katalin: Szervetlen kémia praktikum. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-134-7

H. Nagy Péter: Öt modern költő. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-135-4

Lőrincz Julianna: Morfológia. Szófajtani és alaktani alapismeretek. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-131-6

Nagy Ádám: Ej, ráérünk arra még? A szabadidőpedagógia elméleti alapjai. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-140-8

Makovický Pavol: A mezőgazdaság alapjai – Állattenyésztés. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-139-2

Pukánszky Béla: A nőnevelés története. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-132-3

Puskás Andrea: History of English Literature I. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-137-8

Šenkár Patrik: Slovenská dolnozemská literatúra (v teórii a praxi). Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-133-0

Vajda, Karl: Kurze Literaturgeschichte 1880-1945. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-138-5

Bordás Sándor – Nagy Melinda – Strédl Terézia: A pszichológia és társtudományai. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-164-4

Dobay Beáta: Mozgásos játék gyűjtemény (óvodások és kisiskolások részére). Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Gyurgyík László: Demográfiai adatok gyűjteménye. Demográfia és Történeti demográfia tárgyak oktatásához. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Horváth Kornélia: Fejezetek a kortárs magyar lírából. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Hugyivár Magda – Szarka Katalin – Dibó Gábor: Szerves kémia praktikum. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Hugyivár Magda – Szarka Katalin – Dibó Gábor: Szerves kémia feladatgyűjtemény I. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Keserű József: Bevezetés az irodalomtudományba. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Liszka József: Regionalisztikai alapismeretek. A szlovákiai magyar tájak néprajza. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Makovický Pavol: Mikrobiológia. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Nagy Melinda: Praktikum biológiából. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-163-7

Németh Mária: Didaktika – Oktatási segédlet a didaktikai feladatok megoldásához. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Simon Attila: Olvasókönyv a szlovákiai magyarok történetéhez. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Simon Szabolcs: Fejezetek az anyanyelvi tantárgy-pedagógiából. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

T. Litovkina Anna: Teaching Proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015

Zolczer Péter: English Grammar Structure Easily. Selye János Egyetem – Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2015, ISBN 978-80-8122-162-0

Projekt bol spolufinancovaný z Európskeho sociálneho fondu.

Projects in year 2015

Grant Čslo projektu Názov projektu Zodpovedný riešiteľ
    Projekty v roku 2015 - popdporované   
VEGA 1/0158/14 Formy politicko-mediálnej propagandy v strednej Európe, Česko-slovensku Mďarsku (1938-1968) Mgr. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.
VEGA 2/0023/12 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1930-1938) Mgr. Attila Simon, PhD.
KEGA 005UJS-4/2015 Internacionalizácia ŠP predškolská a elementárna pedagogika pre II. Stupeň VŠ štúdia Ing. István Szőköl, PhD., Ing. Paed Igip
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1122/2015/1.1.2 Vajda Barnabás–Gaucsík István (szerk.): Várostörténeti fejezetek a csehszlovák szocializmus korából. Az urbanizáció formái Dél-Szlovákiában. (Kapitoly z dejín miest za československého socializmu. Formy urbanizácie na juhu Slovenska) Mgr. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1124/2015/1.1.1 Eruditio–Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne) – 10.ročník doc. József Liszka, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1125/2015/1.1.2 Strédl Terézia: Tolerancia és a kommunikáció (Tolerancia a komunikácia) Terézia Strédl, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1126/2015/1.1.2 Szlovák-magyar pedagógiai terminológiai kézikönyv Slovensko–maďarská pedagogická terminologická príručka prof. Dr. András Németh, DrSc., PaedDr. Edita Szabóová, PhD., PaedDr. Terézia Stredl, PhD., PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD., Mgr. Tóth-Bakos Anita, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1129/2015/2.2 III. Vedecké sympózium PF UJS: "Právne vedomie ako súčasť zdravého životného štýlu" Terézia Strédl, PhD., Nagy Melinda, PhD.

Projects in year 2014

Úrad vlády SR KNM-1187/2014/1.1.1 Eruditio–Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne) – 9.ročník doc. József Liszka, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1194/2014/2.3 Odbornosť a metodické otázky učebníc - medzinárodné sympózium o výskume učebníc Szabolcs Simon , PhD. 
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1191/2014/2.2 Prístupy k riešeniu národnostnej otázky v medzivojnovom Československu a v Maďarsku – medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Mgr.Attila Simon, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1192/2014/1.4 Stratégia voľby povolania mládeže národnostných menšín Csaba Cúth
Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond (International Visegrad Fund) 11410052 Zamestnanosť – atypické formy zamestnávania v cezhraničných oblastiach Maďarska a Slovenska (Employment – atypical employment in cross border areas of Hungary and Slovakia) RNDr. József Bukor, PhD.
Nadácia spoločne za budúce pracovné miesta (Közösen a jövő munkahelyeiért Alapítvány) KJM 33022 Prieskum a analýza aplikácie atypických foriem zamestnávania, zamestnávania netrhového charakteru a cezhraničnej spolupráce s cieľom zvyšovania zamestnanosti v oblasti Komárno – Komárom  (Helyzetfeltáró kutatás az atipikus foglalkoztatási formák, a nem piaci jellegű foglalkoztatás és a határon átnyúló együttműködés foglalkoztatottság növelő alkalmazására Komárno - Komárom térségében) RNDr. József Bukor, PhD.
VEGA 1/0158/14 Formy politicko-mediálnej propagandy v strednej Európe, Česko-slovensku a Maďarsku (1938-1968) Mgr.Barnabás Vajda, PhD.
VEGA 1/0381/13 Hodnotenie inovačného potenciálu podnikateľskej siete v ranných etapách jej formovania Ing. Renáta Machová, PhD.
VEGA 1/1022/12 Rozdelenie postupnosti a ich aplikácie, aditivne miery množín prirodzených čísel Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 2/0023/12 Československá republika a maďarská menšína na Slovensku (1930-1938) Mgr. Attila Simon, PhD.
KEGA 016PU-4/2012 Fyziológia živočíchov a človeka, adaptácia a životné prostredie PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
KEGA 010UJS-4/2014 Modelovanie, simulácia a animácia vo vzdelávaní prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
KEGA 002UJS-4/2014 Interaktívne elektronické učebné materiály na podporu implementovania moderných technológií do vyučovania matematiky a informatiky RNDr.. Peter Csiba, PhD.
KEGA 008UJS-4/2014 Stručný nemecko-slovensko-maďarksý teologický slovník (pre študentov protestantskej teológie a katechetiky) v knižnej a CD-ROM podobe  Mgr. Zsolt Görözdi, Th.D.
KEGA 004UJS-4/2012 Vzdelávací portál pre učiteľov a študentov škôl s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským na Slovensku Mgr. Attila Mészáros, PhD.
Agentúra SAIA CIII-HU-0019-08-1213 Stredoeuropský výmenný program pre univerzitné štúdia CEEPUS prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
Agentúra SAAIC 2014-1-SK01-KA103-000257 Projekt v rámci programu ERASMUS+ Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Agentúra Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR pre štrukturálne fondy EU 26110230108 Zvyšovanie kvality vzdelávania tvorbou a inováciou študijných programov, rozvojom ľudských zdrojov a podporou karierneho poradenstva Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Europský fond regionálneho rozvoja - Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka HUSK1101/1.6.2/0050 Podpora cezhraničnej spolupráce trhov práce cez rozvoj sietí trhov práce a pomocou školení Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.

Projects in year 2013

Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1094/2013/1.2.4 Eruditio – Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne)- 8.ročník doc. Liszka József
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1100/2013/1.3.3 Rádio Slobodná Európa a jeho činnosť vo Východnej Európe – slovenský preklad Barnabás Vajda Mgr. Barnabás Vajda, PhD.
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1101/2013/1.3.6 Szabó András: Szepességtől Biharig. Protestantizmus, irodalom és művelődés Magyarországon a 16-18. században. (Od Spiši k Biharu. Protestantizmus, literatúra a vzdelávanie v Uhorsku v 16-18. storočí) prof. András Szabó 
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1098/2013/1.3.6 Liszka József: Átmenetek. Folklór és nem-folklór határán (Prechody. Na hraniciach folklóru a ne-folklóru) József Liszka, doc. 
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1102/2013/1.3.6 Horváthová, Kinga – Szőköl, István: Kontrola a hodnotenie žiackych výkonov v národnostných školách na Slovensku Horváthová, Kinga – Szőköl, István
Úrad Vlády SR KNM/2-2004/2013/1.1.9 Vedecké sympózium PF UJS„Kultúrne, sociálne a biologické determinanty edukácie“ Terézia Strédl, PhD., Nagy Melinda, PhD.
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1099/2013/1.3.6 Gyurgyík László: A szlovákiai magyarság népesedési folyamatai a 20. században  (1918-tól 2001-ig) (Demografický vývoj Maďarov na Slovensku v 20. storočí (1918-2001)) László Gyurgyík, PhD. 
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1103/2013/1.3.6 Dr. habil. Kováts – Németh Mária, CSc: Kultúraközvetítés és pedagógiai értékrendszerek (Sprostredkovanie kultúr a pedagogické systémy) Dr. habil. Kováts – Németh Mária, CSc
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1091/2013/1.3.6 Strédl Terézia: Inkluzív pedagógia (Inkluzívna pedagogika) Terézia Strédl, PhD. 
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1093/2013/1.5.3 Výskum osobitostí historickej pamäte, enviromentálnej kultúry a lokálnej identity v národnostne zmiešaných obciach na južnomSlovensku. Dobrá prax v interetnických vzťahoch a jej miesto vškolských vzdelávacích programoch doc. László Szarka, Nagy Melinda, PhD.
Úrad Vlády SR KNM-1096/2013/1.1.7 Výstava sakrálnych predmetov a devocionálii používaných v reformovanej cirkvi na Reformovanej teologickej fakulte UJS doc.  Attila Lévai
Nadácia spoločne za budúce pracovné miesta FI69207 Helyzetfeltáró kutatás az atipikus foglalkoztatási formák, a nem piaci jellegű foglalkoztatás és a határon átnyúló együttműködés foglalkoztatottság növelő alkalmazására Komárno - Komárom térségében – Prieskum a analýza aplikácie atypických foriem zamestnávania, zamestnávania netrhového charakteru a cezhraničnej spolupráce s cieľom zvyšovania zamestnanosti v oblasti Komárno – Komárom(Hungary) and Komárno (Slovákia) Contribition tp the Increasse of Cross Border Employment  RNDr. József Bukor 
Agentúra SAAIC 12201-0865/KOMARNO001 Mobilita študentov a pracovníkov VŠ v rámci celoživotného vzdelávania ERASMUS Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Agentúra SAAIC 13201-1063/KOMARNO001 Mobilita študentov a pracovníkov VŠ v rámci celoživotného vzdelávania ERASMUS   Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Agentúra SAIA CIII-SK-0405-04-1213 Stredoeuropský výmenný program pre univerzitné štúdia CEEPUS prof. Imrich Okenka
Agentúra SAIA CIII-HU-0019-08-1213 Stredoeuropský výmenný program pre univerzitné štúdia CEEPUS prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
VEGA 1/1022/12 Rozdelenie postupností a ich aplikácie, aditívne miery množín prirodzených čísel Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 1/0534/11 Špecifické matematické poznatky učiteľov matamatiky pre primárne a nižšie sekundárne vzdelávanie Doc. RNDr. Edita Partová, CSc.
VEGA 2/0023/12 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1930-1938) Doc. Attila Simon, PhD
VEGA 1/0381/13 Hodnotenie inovačného potenciálu podnikateľskej siete v ranných etapách jej formovania  doc. Zoltán Rózsa, PhD.
KEGA 004UJS-4/2011 Modelovanie a animačno-simulačné modely v elektronickom vzdelávaní  prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
KEGA 001UJS-4/2011 Podpora výučby matematiky pomocou voľne dostupných matematických softvérov  RNDr. Peter Csiba, PhD.
KEGA 004UJS-4/2012 Vzdelávací portál pre učiteľov a študentov škôl s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským na Slovensku Mgr. Attila Mészáros, PhD.
KEGA 016PU-4/2012 Fyziológia živočíchov a človeka, adaptácia a životné prostredie PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.

Projects in year 2012

Environmentálny fond 86733 08U06 Vysokoškolské učebnice pre vyučovanie ekologických disciplín aktuálnych a plánovaných študijných programov Pedagogickej fakulty UJS PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1234/2012/1.5.2 Väčšinový národ - menšiny - jazyk (projekt vedeckej konferencie) Doc. László Szarka, CSc.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1264/2012/1.4.1 Eruditio - Educatio (vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne prof. PhDr. Margit Erdélyi, CSc.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1233/2012/1.3.4 Mnohonárodnostná Monarchia a jej kultúra - literárno-historicko-vlastivedná súťaž doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
Environmentálny fond 86805 08U08 Prírodoochranárske a humánno-ekologické výskumy vo vybraných oblastiach južného Slovenska PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
NK-Ceepus CIII-HU-0019-07-1112  Ceepus Network - International Cooperation in Computer science Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc
NK-Ceepus CIII-SK-0405-03-1112 Ceepus Network - Renewable Energy Resources Prof. Ing. Imrich Okenka, CSc.
NK - Erasmus 11201-1650/KOMARNO01      Mobilita študentov, učiteľov a pracovníkov vysokej školy v rámci Programu celoživotného vzdelávania ERASMUS Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.     
NK - Erasmus 12201-0865/KOMARNO01 Mobilita študentov, učiteľov a pracovníkov vysokej školy v rámci Programu celoživotného vzdelávania ERASMUS Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.     
Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond (International Visegrad Fund) 51001168 Contract on the Lump sum related to the Visegrad Scholarship Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Stredoeurópska nadácia 46/2010/1 Tvorba nových študijných programov na Univerzite J. Selyeho v Komárne Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 2/0023/12 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1930-1938) doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
VEGA 1/0534/11 Špecifické matematické poznatky učiteľov matamatiky pre primárne a nižšie sekundárne vzdelávanie. doc. RNDr. Edita Partová, CSc.
KEGA 04UJS-4/2012 Vzdelávací portál pre učiteľov a študentov škôl s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským na Slovensku. Mgr. Attila Mészáros, PhD.
KEGA 016PU-4/2012 Fyziológia živočíchov a človeka, adaptácia a životné prostredie PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
VEGA 1/1022/12 Rozdelenie postupností a zovšeobecnené hustoty množín prirodzených čísel Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD. 
KEGA 004UJS-4/2011  Modelovanie a animačno-simulačné modely v elektronickom vzdelávaní Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
KEGA 001UJS-4/2011  Podpora výučby matematiky pomocou voľne dostupných matematických softvérov RNDr. Peter Csiba, PhD.
Environmentálny fond 86805 08U08 Prírodoochranárske a humánno-ekologické výskumy vo vybraných oblastiach južného Slovenska PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.

Projects in year 2011

Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond (International Visegrad Fund) 51001168 Contract on the Lump sum related to the Visegrad Scholarship Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Stredoeurópska nadácia 46/2010/1 Tvorba nových študijných programov na Univerzite J. Selyeho doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1305/2011/1.2.4 Príprava a vydanie 4 čísel univerzitného štvrťročníka Eruditio – Educatio
(vedecký časopis PF Univerzity J. Selyeho v Komárne) 
doc. PhDr. József Liszka, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-841/2011/1.4.3 Príprava a realizácia multikultúrneho výskumu na území južného Slovenska: Interetnické procesy a každodenná prax multikulturality na južnom Slovensku  doc. László Szarka, CSc.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1370/2011/1.4.2 Príprava a realizácia trojdňového seminára, vydanie zborníka: Vedľa seba alebo spolu?! - Egymás mellett vagy egymással?! PaedDr. Terézia Strédl, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-1371/2011/1.1.8 Príprava a realizácia troch literárnych seminárov: Literatúra a jej kontexty  PaedDr. József Keserű, PhD.
Mgr. Szilárd Sánta, PhD.
Úrad vlády SR KNM-967/2011/1.1.5 Príprava a realizácia tvorivých dielní v odbore výtvarníctva: Vytvorenie tvorivej dielne na Pedagogickej fakulte UJS Mgr. Sylvia Czafrangóová, DLA
Ing. Štefan Szőköl, PhD.
Európska komisia 141796-LLP-1
Naturbild - Natur und Technik in frühen Bildungprozessen PaedDr. Edita Szabóová
NK - Erasmus 9201-0577/KOMARNO01 Erasmus program - Mobilita študentov, učiteľov a pracovníkov vysokej školy Veronika Stoffová, Prof., Ing. CSc. - Erasmus koordinator UJS
NK-Ceepus CII-SK-0405-01-0910 - CIII-SK-0405-03-1112 Renewable Energy Resources  prof. Dr.Ing. Imrich Okenka, PhD.
NK - Ceepus CII-HU-0019-03-0708 - CIII-HU-0019-07-1112 Ceepus Network Veronika Stoffová, Prof., Ing. CSc. - Univerzitny koordinator programu
VEGA 1/0534/11 Špecifické matematické poznatky učiteľov matamatiky pre primárne a nižšie sekundárne vzdelávanie. doc. RNDr. Edita Partová, CSc.
VEGA 1/0753/10 Rozdelenie postupností a zovšeobecnené hustoty množín prirodzených čísel doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 2/0117/09 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1918-1929) doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
KEGA 004UJS-4/2011  Modelovanie a animačno-simulačné modely v elektronickom vzdelávaní Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
KEGA 001UJS-4/2011  Podpora výučby matematiky pomocou voľne dostupných matematických softvérov RNDr. Peter Csiba, PhD.
KEGA 242-019PU-4/2010 Biometria živočíchov a človeka PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
KEGA 3/7027/09 Vyučovanie matematiky a prírodovedy na 1. st. ZŠ pomocou interaktívnej tabuľe doc. RNDr. Edita Partová, CSc.
KEGA 3/7519/09 Terminologická kultúra v oblasti elektronického vzdelávania prof. Ing. Ján Stoffa, DrSc.
Maďarská akademia vied - Ústav národnostných menšin 210C00215CS Porovnácí výskum a prognóza počtu maďarských obyvateľov Karpatskej kotliny do roku 2011 - "A Kárpát-medencei magyar népesség összehasonlító vizsgálata és előreszámítása 2011-ig" Ladislav Ďurdík, PhD.

Projects in year 2010

Stredoeurópska nadácia 46/2010/1 Tvorba nových študijných programov na Univerzite J. Selyeho doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Európska komisia 141796-LLP-1
Naturbild - Natur und Technik in frühen Bildungprozessen PaedDr. Edita Szabóová
Kancelária fondu "Szülőföld Alap" - MR SK006561-011 Tvorba učebných textov UJS Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Kancelária fondu "Szülőföld Alap" - MR SK006561-019 Tvorba učebných textov UJS Doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Maďarská akademia vied - Ústav národnostných menšin 2009C00107CS Kultúrne dedičstvo maďarov žijúcich na Slovensku - Balady nitrianskeho kraja Doc. PhDr. József Liszka, PhD.
Maďarská akademia vied - Ústav národnostných menšin 210C00215CS Porovnácí výskum a prognóza počtu maďarských obyvateľov Karpatskej kotliny do roku 2011 - "A Kárpát-medencei magyar népesség összehasonlító vizsgálata és előreszámítása 2011-ig" Ladislav Ďurdík, PhD.
NK - Erasmus 9201-0577/KOMARNO01 Erasmus program - Mobilita študentov, učiteľov a pracovníkov vysokej školy Veronika Stoffová, Prof., Ing. CSc. - Erasmus koordinator UJS
NK - Ceepus CII-HU-0019-03-0708 - CIII-HU-0019-07-1112 Ceepus Network Veronika Stoffová, Prof., Ing. CSc. 
VEGA 1/0753/10 Rozdelenie postupností a zovšeobecnené hustoty množín prirodzených čísel doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 2/0117/09 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1918-1929) doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
KEGA 242-019PU-4/2010 Biometria živočíchov a človeka PaedDr. Melinda Nagy, PhD.
KEGA 3/7519/09 Terminologická kultúra v oblasti elektronického vzdelávania prof. Ing. Ján Stoffa, DrSc.
KEGA 406-006UJS-4/2010 Teória a metodika školskej telesnej výchovy Doc. Alexander Melicher, PhD., PaedDr. Štefán István
KEGA 3/6365/08 Elektronikcá podpora vyučovania programovania Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.

Projects in year 2009

Maďarská akademia vied - Ústav politických vied UV-1226/2009 Sociologický prieskum ekonomickej a kultúrnej elity maďarskej národnosti žijúcej na Slovensku Ladislav Ďurdík, PhD.
Kancelária fondu "Szülőföld Alap" - MR 1767/2/2009 Dotácia na podporu tvorbu a vydania knižných publikácií UJS doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
Európska komisia 141796-LLP-1
Naturbild - Natur und Technik in frühen Bildungprozessen PaedDr. Edita Szabóová
NK - Erasmus 9201-0577/KOMARNO01 Erasmus program - Mobilita študentov, učiteľov a pracovníkov vysokej školy Veronika Stoffová, Prof., Ing. CSc. - Erasmus koordinator UJS
APVV   APVV- 2009-2010 doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
VEGA 2/0117/09 Československá republika a maďarská menšina na Slovensku (1918-1929) doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
VEGA 1/4536/07 Identita a verejné postoje maďarskej menšiny na Slovensku v rokoch 1918-1938 doc. Attila Simon, PhD.
VEGA 1/4726/07 Hodnoty dramatickej tvorby v regionálnom a európskom kontexte doc. PhDr. Margit Erdélyi, CSc.
VEGA 1/4006/07 Vážené hustoty množín prirodzených čísel a rozdelenie blokových postupností doc. RNDr. János Tóth, PhD.
KEGA 3/7519/09 Terminologická kultúra v oblasti elektronického vzdelávania prof. Ing. Ján Stoffa, DrSc.
KEGA 3/6365/08 Elektronikcá podpora vyučovania programovania Prof. Ing. Veronika Stoffová, CSc.
KEGA 3/5277/07 Tvorba interaktívnych učebných materiálov pre stredné školy s využitím matematických softvérov s dôkazom na modelovanie RNDr. József Bukor, PhD.


The Building of the UJS Faculty of Education is situated at the address:

J. Selye University, Faculty of Education
Bratislavská cesta 3322 Komárom, Slovakia

If you send a surface mail, the postal address of the  UJS Faculty of Education (FoE) is:

J. Selye University, Faculty of Education
Bratislavská ul. 3322.
P.O. BOX 54.
945 01, Komárno

E-mail:  (UJS FoE Dean’s Office)
Phone: 00 421 /  35-3260-754 (UJS FoE Dean’s Office)


Partner institutions

Copenhagen School of Design and Technology Koppenhága, Dánia
Debreceni Egyetem Debrecen, Magyarország
Edutus Főiskola Tatabánya, Magyarország
Eötvös József Collegium Budapest, Magyarország
Eötvös József Főiskola Baja, Magyarország
Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem Budapest, Magyarország
Erhvervsakademi MidtVest Herning, Dánia
II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola Beregszász, Ukrajna
Kaposvári Egyetem Kaposvár, Magyarország
Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Budapest, Magyarország
Kodolányi János Főiskola  Székesfehérvár, Magyarország
Kölcsei Ferenc Református Tanárképző Főiskola Debrecen, Magyarország
Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Budapest, Magyarország
Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem  Sopron, Magyarország
Óbudai Egyetem Budapest, Magyarország
Partiumi Keresztény Egyetem Nagyvárad, Románia
Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Budapest, Magyarország
Széchenyi István Egyetem Győr, Magyarország
Szolnoki Főiskola  Szolnok, Magyarország
The International Business Academy Kolding, Dánia
Tribhuvan Universit Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepál

Corvinus University of Budapest Budapest, Hungary
College of Szolnok                         Szolnok, Hungary  
Debreceni Egyetem Debrecen, Hungary  
Eötvös József College  Baja, Hungary  
Eötvös Loránd University               Budapest, Hungary  
Eszterházy Károly College                          Eger, Hungary  
Charles University in Prague Prague, the Czech Republic  
International Business Academy Kolding, Denmark  
Ján Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce Kielce, Poland  
Kaposvár University Kaposvár, Hungary  
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary    Budapest, Hungary  
Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Radom, Poland
Kecskemét College Kecskemét, Hungary
National Universtity of Public Service, Faculty of Public Administration Budapest, Hungary  
Óbuda University Budapest, Hungary
Partium Christian University Oradea, Romania
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest, Hungary  
Pedagogial University of Cracow Cracow, Poland
Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj Napoca Cluj Napoca, Romania
SAPIENTIA Hungarian University of Transylvania Romania
Süleyman Sah University Istanbul, Turkey
Széchenyi István University     Győr, Hungary
Szent István University               Gödöllő, Hungary  
Theological University of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Apeldoorn, the Netherlands  
University Babes-Bolyai Cluj Napoca, Romania
University college Algebra - university college for applied computer engineering                Zagreb, Croatia
University of Miskolc                                                         Miskolc, Hungary
University of Ostrava Ostrava, the Czech Republic  
University of Pécs (Hungary)            Pécs, Hungary  
University of Szeged                     Szeged, Hungary
University of West Hungary - Savaria Campus Szombathely, Hungary  
University of West Hungary Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Forestry                          Sopron, Hungary  
University of Wroclaw Wroclaw, Poland
Universtiy of West Hungary Apáczai Csere János Faculty Győr, Hungary  
Univesity of Finance and Administration Prague, the Czech Republic

Our books and publications.

We have published the following scientific publications at the UJS Faculty of Education


Bethlenfalvyné Streitmann Ágnes - Nagy Melinda - Puskás Andrea (szerk.): Innovative Ways of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 228 old. ISBN 978-0-8122-485-0 Full text 

Borbélyová Diana – Horváth Kinga – Nagyová Alexandra: Az óvodapedagógusok gyakorlati képzése a Selye János Egyetemen. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023. 138 o. ISBN 978-80-8122-461-4. Full text

Borbélyová Diana – Horváth Kinga – Nagyová Alexandra – Pribék László: Gyakorlati képzési napló az óvodapedagógia szakos hallgatók számára, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 52 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-475-1 Full text 

Borbélyová Diana – Horváth Kinga – Nagyová Alexandra – Pribék László: Gyakorlati képzési napló a nevelő szakos hallgatók számára, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 54 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-456-0 Full text 

Čulák Nikolett – Orsovics Yvette: Cantus Iuventus, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 74 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-547-7

Engel Enikő–Korpás Árpád szerk.: Történelem mint tudomány és mint iskolai tantárgy I., Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 186 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-443-0 Full text 

Győri Gábor: Az introduction to the study of language: A cognitive and usage-based approach, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 72 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-481-2

H. Nagy Péter: A képzelet tudománya, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 136 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-454-6

Hengerics Szabó, Alexandra (ed.): Prieskum postojov stredoškolských študentov k udržateľnosti v Žilinskom kraji. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2023, 91 str. ISBN 978-80-8122-462-1. Full text 

Istók Béla – Lőrincz Gábor – Török Tamás – Baka L. Patrik (zost.): A helyesírás-tanítás aktuális kérdései. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2023, 144 str., ISBN 978-80-8122-480-5 Full text 

Lőrincz Gábor – Istók Béla: Magyarnyelv-tankönyvek az újabb nyelvészeti irányzatok tükrében (Egyetemi oktatási segédlet). Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 111 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-479-9 Full text 

Pauliková Klaudia: Teaching Speaking to Adults, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 82 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-452-2

Puskás Adrea: The History of American Literature I., Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 118 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-451-5

Simon Attila: Az őskor és az ókor története, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 96 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-442-3 Full text 

Simon Attila: Nemzeti és ideológiai béklyóban: Reformátusok és a református egyház a második világháború utáni Csehszlovákiában, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 218 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-465-2 Full text 

Simon Szabolcs – Lőrincz Julianna (szerk.): Petőfi él, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 150 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-488-1 (print), ISBN 978-80-8122-489-8 Full text 

Szarka László – Pók Attila: Nationalism in Action: The Great War and Its Aftermath in East-Central Europe, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 270 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-444-7 

Tóth-Bakos Anita – Csehiová Agáta: Zene az inklúzió jegyében, Alternatív zenepedagógiai és zeneterápiás irányzatok a komplex fejlesztés és a befogadó nevelés jegyében - Music in the Spirit of Inclusion, Alternative music education and music therapy approaches for complex development and inclusive education, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 240 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-482-9

Tóth, Sándor János – Dobrík, Zdenko: Aktuálne trendy výskumu jazykovej krajiny, Zborník abstraktov z rovnomennej vedeckej konferencie konanej 10. mája 2023 v Komárne, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 35 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-458-4 Full text 

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Negyedik rész: Életrajzi lexikon. (Dunajská Streda 1945 – 1989. Štvrtá časť: Biografický lexikón) Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 168 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-460-7. Full text 


Csehiová Agáta – Tóth-Bakos Anita: Művészet – Terápia – Edukáció és interdiszciplináris megközelítései. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 190 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-434-8.

H. Nagy Péter: Hat modern költő. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 220 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-418-8.

Istók Béla – Lőrincz Gábor – Török Tamás: A virolingvisztika és viroszemiotika aktuális kérdései. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 120 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-431-7Full text  

Istók Vojtech – Lőrincz Gábor – Tóth Sándor János: Jazyková krajina miest Komárno a Komárom. Monographiae Comaromienses 28. Komárom, Selye J. Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, 2022, 128 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-432-4Full text 

Lengyel-Marosi Renáta: Culture and History of the United States of America. A workbook for university students of English as a foreign language. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 92 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-416-4Full text  

Litovkina Anna T. – Varagya Szilvia N.: Lecture Notes on Morphology, Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 156 old., ISBN 978-80-8122-414-0Full text 

Litovkina Anna T. –  Varagya Szilvia N.: Lecture Notes on Syntax. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 140 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-415-7Full text  

Orsovics Yvette: Zenei alapismeretek az óvó- és tanítóképzős hallgatók számára (reprint). Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 94 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-289-4.

Orsovics Yvette: Gyermekdalok, népi játékdalok és népdalok gyűjteménye az óvó és tanító szakos hallgatók számára. Művészetpedagógiai füzetek IV. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 94 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-427-0.

Paulíková Klaudia – Kálaziová Ingrid: Langauge Skills in Practice. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 104 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-425-6.

Szarka László: Fejezetek a magyar-szlovák kapcsolatok 19. századi történetéből. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 102 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-417-1Full text  

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945-1989. Harmadik rész: Történetek a városról. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 152 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-420-1.

Varga Imre – Kardos Attila – Juhász György – Mészáros Róbert: Az egyensúlyi termodinamika alapjai tanár szakos hallgatóknak és tanároknak. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 114 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-419-5Full text  

Vlnka Jaroslav: Prehľad dejín slovenskej literatúry prvej polovice 20. storočia. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 138 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-433-1.


Borbélyová, Diana: A pedagógiai diagnosztika új útjai és kihívásai. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, ISBN 978-80-8122-394-5.

Braxatorisová, Anita: Ausgewählte Kapitel zur Distributions- und semantischen Analyse für Universitätsstudenten: Korpusbasierte Analyse des Zeitadjektivs neu. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, ISBN 978-80-8122-390-7. Full text 

Gyepes Róbert – Szarka Katarína – Hegedűs Ondrej – Mészáros Róbert: A laboratóriumi technika alapjai, Tankönyv a kémia- és/vagy biológiatanár szakos hallgatók részére, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho,  Komárno, 2021, 84 str., ISBN 978-80-8122-402-7 Full text 

H. Nagy, Péter: Költészet és szövegköziség: Verstechnológiai paradigmaváltás a 20. század végi magyar lírában. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 306 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-386-0.

Lengyel-Marosi, Renáta: Culture and History of Great Britain: A textbook for university students of English as a foreign language. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 152 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-393-8. Full text 

Mészáros, Attila: Grammatisches Propädeutikum I. Ein Übungsbuch für das Studium der Germanistik. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 83 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-395-2. Full text 

Popély Árpád - Simon Attila: Szöveggyűjtemény a szlovákiai magyarok történetéhez, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho,  Komárno, 2021, 326 str., ISBN 978-80-570-3595-4 Full text 

Simon, Attila: Szlovákia története 1918–1945. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 142 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-397-6. Full text 

Szőköl, István –Tóth-Bakos, Anita: Doplňujúce pedagogické štúdium pre učiteľov profesijných predmetov. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 132 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-385-3.

Vajda, Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Második rész: A Dunaszerdahelyi Református Egyházközség presbiteri jegyzőkönyvei 1941–1990. Forrásközlés. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 292 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-388-4. Full text 


Baka, Patrik: Teljes gőzzel. Bevezetés a steampunk olvasásába. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 264 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-352-5. Full text 

Halász, Iván: Léva és környéke az irodalomban – Levice a ich okolie. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 270 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-362-4. Full text 
Istók, Béla – Lőrincz, Gábor – Lőrincz, Julianna – Simon, Szabolcs (szerk.): Tankönyvkutatás – fordított tankönyvek – kétnyelvűség. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, ISBN 978-80-8122-361-7. Full text 
Lőrincz, Gábor – Domonkosi, Ágnes (szerk.): Stílus – variativitás – műfordítás. Köszöntő kötet Lőrincz Julianna 70. születésnapjára. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, 2020, 325 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-350-1. Full text 
Vajda, Barnabás: Hidegháború és európai integráció. Második, módosított szövegű kiadás. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 216 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-351-8.
Vajda, Barnabás: Történelemdidaktika és történelemtankönyv-kutatás. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 382 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-345-7. Full text 
(E-book) Borbélyová, Diana – Mészáros, Tímea – Nagy, Csilla: A vizuális nevelés elmélete és gyakorlati megvalósításának lehetőségei az alapiskola alsó tagozatán (Művészetpedagógiai füzetek III.), Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, ISBN 978-80-8122-368-6. Full text 
(E-book) Anita Braxatorisová - Erzsébet Drahota-Szabó - Attila Mészáros - László V. Szabó (Hrsg.): Sprache – Diskurs – Kontext. Auslandsgermanistik im 21. Jahrhundert (Komorner Germanistische Beiträge, Band 1), J.-Selye-Universität, Pädagogische Fakultät, Komárno, 2020, 264 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-369-3. Full text 
(E-book) Horváth, Kornélia: Ottlik Géza írásművészete és taníthatósága. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 76 p., ISBN 978-80-8122-370-9. Full text 


Alabán, Ferenc: Irodalomértés és hungarológia. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-306-8. Full text 

Borbélyová, Diana – Mészáros, Tímea – Nagyová, Csilla: A vizuális nevelés elmélete és gyakorlati megvalósításának lehetőségei az óvodában. Művészetpedagógiai füzetek II. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-335-8.

Győriová Baková, Eva – Simon, Szabolcs: Sociolingvistika v slovensko-maďarskom kontexte. Elektronické študijné materiály (CD-ROM). Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-308-2.

H. Nagy, Péter: A képzelet tudománya. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-296-2. Full text 

Istók, Béla – Lőrincz, Gábor – Lőrincz, Julianna – Simon, Szabolcs – Török, Tamás (szerk.): Az anyanyelvoktatás dokumentumainak szakmai, módszertani vizsgálata. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019.

Lévai, Attila – Simon, Attila – Somogyi, Alfréd – Szarka, László – Tömösközi, Ferenc: Az első húsz év. A Szlovákiai Református Keresztyén Egyház 1918–1938 között (CD-ROM). Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-338-9.

Simon, Attila – Tömösközi, Ferenc (szerk.): Válogatott források a szlovákiai református egyház történetéhez (1918–1938). Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-313-6.

Tóth, Péter: A problémaalapú tanulás. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-337-2.

Tóth, Sándor János (zostavil): Sociolingvistika v slovensko-maďarskom kontexte. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-307-5.

Vajda, Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Első rész: Források Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989 közti várostörténetéhez. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-303-7.

V. Szabó, László: A George-kör esztétikája. Monographiae Comaromienses 26. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-300-6.  Full text 

Lőrincz, Julianna: Az anyanyelvi kommunikatív kompetencia fejlesztésének lehetőségei a tankönyvek segítségével. Monographiae Comaromienses 27. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2019, ISBN 978-80-8122-301-3. Full text 


Gyakorlati képzési napló - Záznamník pedagogickej praxe : alapképzés és mesterképzés.

Alabán Ferenc: Önismeret és világlátás. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-246-7. Full text 

Halász Iván: Dél-Szlovákia az irodalomban: Sztereotípiák és interetnikus összefüggések – Južné Slovensko v literatúre: Stereotypy a interetnické súvislosti. Monographiae Comaromienses 24. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-279-5. Full text 

Horváth Kornélia: On Prose and Narrative. Monographiae Comaromienses 23. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-274-0. Full text 

T. Litovkina Anna – Zolczer Péter: Önfejlesztés és produktivitás: Rövid útmutató személyiségünk és teljesítőképességünk fejlesztéséhez. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-288-7. Full text 

Lőrincz Gábor – Lőrincz Julianna – Simon Szabolcs (eds.): A magyar mint anyanyelv, kisebbségi és idegen nyelv oktatási kérdései és oktatási segédletei: A Variológiai Kutatócsoport 8. nemzetközi tankönyvkutató szimpóziumának tanulmányai. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-278-8. Full text 

Lőrincz Julianna: Kontrasztív nyelvészet, kontrasztív stilisztika. Monographiae Comaromienses 22. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-249-8. Full text 

Lőrincz Julianna – Lőrincz Gábor – Simon Szabolcs (eds.): Aranyul – magyarul: A Variológiai Kutatócsoport Arany János-szimpóziumának tanulmányai. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-240-5. Full text 

Makovický Pavol: Mikrobiológia. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-235-1.

Makovický Pavol: Morfologické a funkčné vlastnosti vemena vo vzťahu k produkcii a kvalite mlieka bahníc. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, Komárno, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-243-6.

Nagy Melinda – Strédl Terézia – Szarka László: Többség, kisebbség és a tolerancia II. Kapcsolatok és identitások a számok tükrében. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-280-1.

Orsovics Yvette: Zenei alapismeretek az óvó- és tanítóképzős hallgatók számára. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-289-4.

Orsovics Yvette – Strédl Terézia – Szabóová Edita – Vass Vilmos: A személyiségfejlesztés új kihívásai a nemzetiségi óvodákban és iskolákban. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-282-5.

Pukánszky Béla: Gyermekkép és nevelés: Felfogások a gyermekről és a nevelésről a pedagógia történetében. Monographiae Comaromienses 25. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-290-0. Full text 

Tömösközi Ferenc (szerk.): A hit és a közösség szolgálatában: Életutak a szlovákiai református keresztyén egyházban. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar – Református Teológiai Kar, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-273-3.

Vajda Barnabás: Bevezetés a történelemdidaktikába és a történelemmetodikába. Második kiadás. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-239-9.

Vajda Károly: Trauma és liturgia: A celani emlékezéslíra. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, Komárom, 2018, ISBN 978-80-8122-244-3.


Makovický Pavol: Prírodoveda 4 - časť Biológia. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Dibó Gábor – Hugyivár Magda – Szarka Katalin: Szerves kémia praktikum. Laboratóriumi gyakorlatok gyűjteménye a szlovákiai magyar tanárképzés kémia szakos hallgatói számára. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Alabán Ferenc: A valóság irodalmi motívumai. Tanulmányok a szlovákiai magyar irodalomról I. Literárne motívy skutočnosti. Štúdie o maďarskej literatúre na Slovensku I.  Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

H. Nagy Péter (főszerk.): A Selye János Egyetem 2016-os nemzetközi doktorandusz konferenciája. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Tóth Sándor János: Aspekty slovensko-maďarskej porovnávacej morfosyntaxe. Monographie Comaromienses 19. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Litovkina, Anna: Teching proverbs and Anti-Proverbs. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Papp Vanda: Az interperszonális-megtévesztéselmélet a médiában, különös tekintettel a manipuláció eseteire a reklámokban. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Vajda Barnabás: A propaganda és a csehszlovákiai kommunista ideológiai harc természetéről 1948-1989. Monographie Comaromienses 21. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Strédl Terézia: Terápia szocializációs hatása a nevelésben. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Nagy Melinda – Balázs Pavol: A jászói kolostorkert - Jasovská kláštorná záhrada. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Lőrincz Julianna – Simon Szabolcs (szerk.): A tankönyvkutatás feladatai és módszerei -tanulmánygyűjtemény a komáromi magyar tanszék mellett működő Variológiai Kutatócsoport konferenciájáról. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Vass Vilmos: Kompetenciafejlesztés a 21. században (értékteremtés és megújulás). Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2017.

Puskás, Andrea: Assessing English Language Learners in the Primary Classroom. Szeged, Belvedere Meridionale, 2017.

Szarka Katarína: Nový pohľad na hodnotenie prostriedkami rozvíjajúceho hodnotenia. Komárom, Kompress, 2017.


T. Litovkina Anna: “Do You Serve Lawyers and Politicians Here?” Stereotyped Lawyers and Politicians in American Jokes and Anti-Proverbs. Monographie Comaromienses 20. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Alabán Ferenc: A kulturális identitás metamorfózisai. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Horváthová Kinga – Szőköl István: A pedagógiai kommunikáció. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Andrea Puskás: The Challenges and Practices of Teaching Young Learners. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Barnabas Vajda et al.: Forms of Political and Media Propaganda in Central Europe, Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary (1938-1968). Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Horváth Kornélia: Fejezetek a kortárs Magyar líráról.  Monographie Comaromienses 18. Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Keserű József: Bevezetés az irodalomtudományba.  Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.

Dobay Beáta: Mozgásos játékgyűjtemény (óvó- és alsó tagozatos pedagógusok részére). Komárom, Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2016.


Vajda Barnabás–Gaucsík István (szerk. / eds.): Várostörténeti fejezetek a csehszlovák szocializmus korából. Az urbanizáció formái Dél-Szlovákiában. Kapitoly z dejín miest za československého socializmu. Formy urbanizácie na juhu Slovenska. Chapters of urban studies from the communist Czechoslovakia. Forms of urbanization in Southern Slovakia. Monographie Comaromienses 17. Komárom, Selye Janos Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2015.

Vajda Barnabás: Hidegháború és európai integráció. Régi és új szempontok a 20. század második felének történeti értelmezéséhez. Monographie Comaromienses 16. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2015.


Pukánszky Béla: A magyar iskolatörténet és pedagógusképzés paradigmái. Monographie Comaromienses 15. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2014.


Strédl Terézia: Inkluzív pedagógia. Monographie Comaromienses 14. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2013.

Kováts-Németh Mária: Kultúraközvetítés és pedagógiai értékrendszerek. Monographie Comaromienses 13. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2013.

Liszka József: Átmenetek. Folklór és nem-folklór határán. Monographie Comaromienses 12. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2013.

Barnabás Vajda: O činnosti Rádia Slobodná Európa počas studenej vojny. Monographie Comaromienses 11. Komárno: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, 2013.

Gyurgyík László: A szlovákiai magyarság népesedési folyamatai a 20. században (1918-tól 2001-ig). Monographie Comaromienses 10. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2013.

Horváthová, Kinga–Szőköl, István: Kontrola a hodnotenie žiackych výkonov v národnostných školách na Slovensku. Monographie Comaromienses 9. Komárno: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, 2013.

Szabó András: Szepességtől Biharig. Protestantizmus, irodalom és művelődés Magyarországon a 16–18. században. Monographie Comaromienses 8. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2013.


Erdélyi Margit: Pedagógia és irodalom kölcsönhatásai. Monographie Comaromienses 7. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2012.

Tomáš Oravec a kol.: Jazykovo-literárno-historické dotyky slovenčiny a maďarčiny v synchrónnom a diachrónnom priereze. Monographie Comaromienses 6. Komárno: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, 2012.

Strédl, Terézia: Dramatoterapia a jej socializačné možnosti. Monographie Comaromienses 5. Komárno: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity J. Selyeho, 2012.


Szabó András:„Bizonytalan Helyeken Búdosunk”. Szenci Molnár Albert a magyar és európai szellemi életben. Monographie Comaromienses 4. Dunaszerdahely – Komárom: Lilium Aurum–Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, 2011.

Vajda Barnabás szerk.: Államhatár és identitás – Komárom / Komárno. Monographie Comaromienses 3. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2011.

Keserű József–H. Nagy Péter: Kontrafaktumok. Spekulatív fikció és irodalom. Monographie Comaromienses 2. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2011.


Liszka József szerk.: Interetnikus és interkulturális kapcsolatok Dél-Szlovákiában. Monographie Comaromienses 1. Komárom: Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kara, 2009.



For foreign applicants:

Our Faculty of Education at the J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia welcomes applications both for our Bachelor (Bc or BA) and Masters (Mgr or MA) degree programmes.

Since we are a Faculty of Education, under Slovak law, our Courses or Disciplines can be studied only in combination at our Faculty. We have an English language and literature programme; we also have a German language and literature porgramme. Beyond that, with the exception of English language and literature and German language and literature, education at our Faculty is carried out in Hungarian and Slovak language.
Since we are a Faculty of Education, all our programmes and courses are specific teacher training programmes. As a consequence, under Slowak law, we can only accept Bachelor degrees which are of the same or similar scientific field as the condition of the application for Masters level. As an example, if someone had studied History on Bachelor level, can continue his studies at our History Masters level. But if someone studies philosophy, we simply can not offer him/her a course

Please note that when applying for any of our Masters course, we cannot approve applicants’  earlier gained Bachelor’s degree automatically. Rather, under Slovakian law, we are obliged to run a degree recognition process. We can certainly inform applicants about the detailes of a degree recognition process on demand.

For further information you can turn to

Dr. habil., Ing. István Szőköl, PhD., Ing. Paed. IGIP
Vice-dean for development and international relations
Tel.: 00 421 / 35 3260 742


Assistants of Departments

Bc. Andrea Fábián is an Assistant of the following Departments: Department of Hungarian Language and Literature; Department of English Language and Literature; Department of German Language and Literature; and Department of History.
Contact: e-mail: ; tel: 00 / 421 / 35 3260 736. Office: T217
Martina Marosi is an Assistant of the following Departments: Department of Primary and Pre-School Education; Department of Pedagogy; Department of Slovak Language and Literature; and Department of Department of Physical Education and Sports.
Contact: e-mail: ; tel: 00 / 421 / 35 3260 608. Office: T509.
Ing. Ildikó Bucseková is an Assistant of the following Departments: Department of Biology, and Department of Chemistry.
Contact: e-mail: ; tel: 00 / 421 / 35 3260 734. Office: G 212.

Department of Study Affairs

Zsuzsanna Farkas
Telefon: 00 421 / 35 3260 735

Bc. Andrea Fábián
Telefon: 00 421 / 35 3260 804

Mgr. Lilla Bartalos
Telefon: 00 421 / 35 3260 807


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