Department of Pedagogy
About the Department
Head of Department:
PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD.
prof. Dr. Béla István Pukánszky, DSc.
Prof. Péter Tóth, PhD.
prof. Anetta Éva Müller, Ph.D.
Associate Professors:
Dr. habil. Erika Kopp, PhD.
Dr. habil. Aranka Híves-Varga, PhD.
Mgr. Anita Tóth-Bakos, PhD.
Assistant Professors:
PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD.
PaedDr. Beáta Kiss
Foreign lecturers:
Research staff:
External Teachers of the Department:
PhD Students:
What teachers need to know from early development to talent development
As part of the annual Komárno Pedagogical Days, a lecture on "What teachers need to know from early childhood development to talent development" was held at the Faculty of Education, UJS. The main organizer of the event was the Association of Hungarian Educators in Slovakia, co-organizers were the Faculty of Education and the Department of Pedagogy of UJS. The speakers from Pannonhalma were: Tamara Nagy conductor, Dóra Pálla-Horváth somatopedagogue - speech therapist, Takács-Budai Csilla teacher for children with special educational needs and Szabolcs Kozma speech therapist. The presentation focused on phenomena that practising teachers may regularly encounter in their work at school. Recognising these phenomena, supporting pupils and contacting professionals is a pedagogical task. The presentation was valuable and useful for our students and the practising teachers present.
Changes in teaching in ethnic schools - national languages in education
The conference "Changes in Teaching in National Schools - National Languages in Education", organised by NIVAM - National Institute for Culture and Youth, was held on 12-13 October 2023 in Bratislava. Our department was represented by PaedDr. Beáta Kiss. The conference focused on the details of the state education reform and its implementation in minority schools.
Imre Sándor Pedagogical Conference
The 1st Imre Sándor Conference on Education took place on 9-10 October 2023 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Dr. Beáta Kiss PaedDr. from our department participated in the conference. The lecturers of our Faculty of Teacher Education were represented in the section "Education without borders".
BIP Erasmus+ "A multidimensional approach to development opportunities for disadvantaged communities "
From 16 to 20 October 2023, PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD. and Mgr. Katarína Szarka, PhD. together with the students of combined teacher education took part in a one-week intensive BIP Erasmus+ programme "Multidimensional approach to development opportunities for disadvantaged communities" in Romania. The programme included expert lectures, workshops and field work.
Head of the Department of Pedagogy PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD. participated on 04.09.2023 in the event entitled "Training to the Buddy System", which was led by an expert in the field of psychology, Lenka Abrinková. The training was aimed at introducing the organization and functioning of the Buddy System in Slovakia and the possibilities of its application in the university environment.
On 19.06.2023 - 21.06.2023 in Piešťany, members of the Department of Pedagogy and the Department of Preschool and Primary Education participated in the final transnational meeting of the Mentor Training project. As a part of the meeting, a one-day conference for practising teachers was held, during which the dean of the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University, Dr. habil. PaedDr. Kinga Horváth, PhD. spoke about the teaching practice from a national education perspective.
National Conference of Teachers of Pre-primary Education
The National Conference of Teachers of Pre-primary Education was realized in Buč on 24th March 2023, which the main organizer was the Association of Hungarian Educators in Slovakia. PaedDr. Alexandra Nagyová, PhD. represented the Faculty of Education of J. Selye University as an invited guest of the conference.
Infrastructure of the study program
Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programmes Common social-scientific, pedagogical and psychological basis of teaching and Pedagogy and education
a. List and characteristics of the classrooms of the study programme and their technical equipment.
Education in study programmes Common social-scientific, pedagogical and psychological basis of teaching and Pedagogy and education takes place at the Faculty of Education J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics JSU, the Conference Centre JSU and the Sport centre JSU.
Room capacity |
Number of rooms |
Lecture rooms / auditoriums equipped with the latest ICT, including interpreting equipment (JSU Conference Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
1 x 350 1 x195 2 x 180 |
4 |
Seminar rooms (JSU Conference Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
1 x 40 1 x 30 2 x 20 |
4 |
Lecture rooms / auditoriums with presentation technology (FoE JSU, Bratislavská cesta 3322, Komárno) |
1 x 100 3 x 50
4 |
Seminar rooms with technology for classical teaching purposes (FoE JSU, Bratislavská cesta 3322, Komárno) |
1 x 45 1 x 40 1 x 34 1 x 32 2 x 30 3 x 25 |
9 |
Hall for Gym - large (JSU Sports Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
dimension (30m x 50m) |
1 |
Hall for Gym - small (JSU Sports Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
dimension (14m x 9,9m) |
1 |
Gym (JSU Sports Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
dimension (16,8 m x 9,9m) |
1 |
Computer classrooms (JSU Conference Center, Hradná 2, Komárno) |
A total of 29 computers |
1 |
Computer classrooms (FoE JSU, Bratislavská cesta 3322, Komárno) |
A total of 59 computers |
3 |
Computer classrooms (FoEI JSU, Hradná 21, KN) |
A total of 33 computers |
2 |
Computer classrooms (Dôstojnícky pavilón, center of Komárno |
A total of 90 computers |
3 |
Other possibilities of access to computers by students - University Library of UJS |
A total of 29 computers |
1 |
b. Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).
The university library provides physical access to the literature for the study programme, at least to the extent of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. The library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library information system that integrates the latest elements from server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with library knowledge and experience, transforms them into a comprehensive multimedia library system. Since 2006, the University Library JSU has also used this library information system to manage the library collection, manage loans and admin system of publication activities. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC Online catalogue via the website. The University Library of JSU just like other university libraries, is involved in the central register of the admin system of publication activities for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and teachers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. This approach provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers. The university library organizes workshops that support orientation in publication databases and work with literary sources.
c. Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Accesses, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.
For the needs of distance education or education by a combined method, the university has 4 BigBlueButton video conference servers in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students. In 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at JSU. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and additional materials for individual courses, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in the authorised zone. In addition to the possibility of cable connection, which is available in the halls of residence, UL and other selected places, students in all JSU buildings have access to the Internet via WiFi connectivity. The person's authentication (login name and password) is required to connect to the network. In 2016, a centralized print system was introduced, which is also available to students.
d. Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.
Main institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme are practising schools and kindergartens which contribute the pedagogical praxis for students of study programme as trainee teachers.
The Faculty of Education is in collaboration with more than 30 practising schools and kindergartens in Slovakia. There are practising schools not only in Komárno, but in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota as well.
In the course of pedagogical praxis students observe and analyse the process of education, learn how to apply theoretical knowledge, and acquire essential skills for the pedagogical profession.
e. Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.
The conditions of providing scholarships from the state budget as well as from JSU's own resources are regulated by the JSU Scholarship Rules and Regulations. During their studies, JSU also provides its students with a stimulating environment. JSU effectively manages and operates JSU Halls of Residence (Dormitories), where it provides comfortable accommodation to university students with suitable conditions for quality housing with adequate hygienic standards and safety. In the area of the Halls of Residence there is a multifunctional sports ground enabling students to meaningfully spend their free time and play sports. JSU also provides students with catering services in the building of the JSU Conference Centre. In the university’s Sports Centre, students have the opportunity to play sports and carry out other leisure activities.
The university also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Young talents will find their place in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students also have the opportunity to visit a chapel established in the Čajka Hall of Residence.
f. Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.
J. Selye University offers its students foreign student mobility opportunities within the mobility programmes Erasmus+, Makovecz and CEEPUS.
The Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office in cooperation with the faculties of JSU regularly organizes information Erasmus+ days and workshops and offers the possibility of personal or online consultations. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to JSU students. At the same time, the Unit for International Relations of Rector´s Office regularly publishes information on its activities on the website and shares information to students, teachers and employees of JSU through the information tools of the university.
Partner institutions
Other mobility programs